Chapter 11

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Jennie Pov

i received the text. so did the rest of the student body. i got so many texts flooding into my notifications with people asking about them.

Jisoo didn't say a word to me, let alone look at me since he called me a slut and i'm partially fine with that. he's stayed rather quiet lately as well.

i haven't spoken to anyone in a while actually- it's been a week. i haven't gotten out of my bed after i get in it, other than to go to school.

i've stayed in watching reruns of vampire diaries and eating ice cream. i looked a reck, and i didn't even care that much.

my mom hasn't answered any of my calls and i'm beginning to think she knows. she's in hong kong for her peacecorps group and because my dad died when i was 4, she's the only one i want to turn to.

i know she'll be mad at me, no dip. but i need to talk to her- anyone. and to think i'de be hanging with Jisoo right now.

i take my shower, washing my body and crying. how cliché. i let the tears spill from my cheeks, down my hands. onto the shower floor.

then, i hear the doorbell ring. i flinch under the water before sighing and waiting, just in case it was the mail man or something. when the ringing continues- i turn off the shower head and dry my hair quickly.

i pull on a thick robe after drying myself and sprint downstairs. when i see Jisoo waiting for me with a dollar general, i turn back around and begin to walk back up the stairs.

he rings the door again and i roll my eyes, slowly walking to the door. he smiles lightly and sticks the bag out as i open the door. i stick my head through the small space and ask him what he wants.

"hey, i brought some things over. hoping we could hang out."

"what things?"

i ask this, leaning my shoulder against the doorframe. i probably looked a hot mess but he looked at me as if i was a model which made me hate him. 02961% less.

he opens up the box, pulling out various candies. he holds up airhead extreme bites. i try and hide my smile as he pulls out more things.

pretzel m&ms, spicy cheetos, gummy colas, and a family size bag of pizza rolls. i purse my lip before looking up at him, a purebread smile on his face.

"we could heat these up- you know if you want. and i bought the movie kingsman so we can watch that if i link my phone up to your tv."

i look at him stepping aside, not saying a word. i honestly don't know what to say. he steps in, waiting back for me.

"i'm gonna change, i'll be back."

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