Fight or Flight

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Two weeks later. Surprisingly, my life has been quite peaceful at the castle when I was so afraid that it wouldn't. I almost always feel anxious though, especially whenever Lady Dimitrescu calls for me and I end up wrapped in her sheets or whenever I so much as catch a glimpse of Cecily. Speaking of Cecily, she didn't really pick on me again after she was punished, but whenever she sees me, she gives me an ugly, deadly, furious glare that seems to scream threats on my life. I don't purposefully antagonize her, in fact I do my best to avoid her if all possible in the case that she does snap and a fight breaks loose between our tempers. On the brighter side, I did meet more of the maidens whose names I am still learning and they seem to either be a bit cautious of me or exceedingly friendly. Cecily seems to be the only maiden who has a problem with my pressence. The Dimitrescu daughters have relatively accepted my pressence in the castle, especially Daniela who picks on me by tripping me, chasing me, picking me up and dragging me around the castle for her amusement. Bela treats me like a maiden and Cassandra, well, Cassandra tolerates me, but I still feel anger in her eyes whenever she looks at me. Yes, though all is peaceful, there is still plenty of reason to have rattled nerves. This place is wonderful and Lady Dimitrescu is so good to me, yet I have so much to worry about and I never feel truly relaxed. It's actually gotten to the point where it has taken a toll on me physically and my back is wracked with stabbing aches. I politely and carefully informed Lady Dimitrescu of my ailment and she told me that I just needed to relax, assured me that as long as she was here, nothing bad would happen, and gave me a bit of her speciality wine. I graciously accepted it knowing its true contents and not wanting to upset her. I didn't tell her that it made me very violently ill only moments after drinking it and try hard to make sure she doesn't notice I'm still in pain. In fact, I've noticed that I can't even hold meat down after consuming it even though I've never in my life refused eating meat or any animal products. I guess the mutation really changed my diet. It's fine, I can live without consuming meat and blood, but I'm not sure how much more of this pain I can tolerate especially since I'm sure it's getting worse everyday. Maybe it's part of the mutation too, who knows? "GIRLS, COME HERE AT ONCE!", Lady Dimitrescu's voice bellows, shattering my racing thoughts. I take a quick look around to notice my surroundings and see if anything has changed in the time that I've been standing here just reflecting. Everything looks the same, I couldn't have been standing here for too long. I don't get much time to just simply go about my day before an enormous swarm of flies speedily buzzes past and knocks me right off my feet while chirping, "Gotcha Val"! Hello to you too Daniela...."GRRR Dani!", I growl frustratedly as I push myself off the ground. I brush myself off and curiously watch as the swarm rushes down the hallway towards her mother's cry. I'm curious to follow her, but decide against it and continue to meander aimlessly around the castle. Eventually, I find the library and decide to browse through the books and read to pass the time. Suddenly as I'm reading a curious book about cannibalism, I'm lifted off my feet and I gasp out in surprise. I'm spun around like a ragdoll by a fit of crazed giggles until I'm faced with Bela standing in front of me with a slightly annoyed look on her face. I realize I'm being held by Daniela and before I can say anything, Bela explains, "Mother left and she put me in charge". I nod and she continues with, "You, are to keep Daniela company because I don't want her bothering me". I frown hearing that. Typical, I'm the entertainment for the baby, the crazy, scary, violent baby, because the older siblings can't be bothered to keep her out of trouble. "Got it?", she sneers with a raised eyebrow. I grumpily answer, "Yes m'lady", as Daniela squeezes me. Bela nods and as she turns to leave, she instructs, "Daniela, don't leave her out of your sight". Is she serious? Just as Bela leaves the library, I yell, "What did I do to you"!?! She never replies, not that I expected her to. Daniela playfully shoves me away from her HARD, and I nearly fall over again. I sigh heavily. It's going to be a loooong day. I slowly turn around to face Daniela's wide grin that tells of all the mischievous plans she has in store for us today. "I guess I'm your problem now", I tell her with a forced smile. She nods happily and giggles, "Yup, c'mon let's go"! She grabs my wrist and drags me out of the library, looking back at me as I follow her reluctantly. Suddenly, she stops and lets go of me, the grin disappearing and being replaced by a look of confusion as she stares at me. I scowl at her and ask, "What, what's wrong"? She steps aside and gestures down the hallway. "Walk", she orders. Now even more confused, I cautiously do as she says and start walking down the hallway. She quickly orders me to stop after I've only taken a few steps. I spin around quickly and ask again, "What's wrong"? She cocks her head and asks, "Are you hurt"?  I am, my back is aching, but I'm not going to tell her. I sigh and quickly answer her with, "No, why"? She points down at my left leg and and confronts, "Then how come you're limping"? Huh? I'm not limping, what is she talking about? Baffled, I reply, "I'm not limping".
"Yeah, you are..most people walk like this," she demonstrates by walking breezily down the hallway and back, "And you're walking like this", she demonstrates again, but this time stepping heavier on her right foot making for slightly awkward steps while walking. I walk like that? Feeling self-conscious, I take a few more steps and realize that I do in fact walk with a slight limp, yet there's nothing wrong with my left leg. Nothing wrong that I remember at least. Wondering if there really is something wrong, I lift up my left pant leg and take a look at my leg. There's a large amount of nasty scarring across and under my left calf and it seems as if a small chunk of the muscle is missing. "Yikes, what happened there?", Daniela asks looking at my leg. This injury is years old, but I can't remember what happened to cause it. I decide to search my scattered brain for an answer, even a fragment to explain this story to her. A searing pain jabs into the back of my skull and I grab my head to ease it. I growl in pain as my head throbs and pounds until finally, a flashback comes to me. It's summer, 1966. I'm 17 years old. I'm driving speedily on my motorbike, racing a car being driven by a jerk who keeps mean-mugging me and a very pretty girl sitting in the passenger seat next to him. I'm intrigued by her who seems to be playfully flirting with me and I impress her by zig zagging in the road, driving one-handed and performing wheelies. The jerk speeds up to make sure to get rid of me, but I speed up myself, not paying attention to the road and hitting a nasty bump in the asphalt. I lose control of the bike, zip off into a field, and brutally crash right into a barbed wire fence. I nearly make it through the fence, suffering only a few broken bones, and scratches here and there until I realize my left leg is tangled up in the broken, sharp, jagged wire. Not thinking straight, I try to pull and jerk my leg free, only tangling and digging the wire further into my leg, slicing, tearing, and wrapping the barbs into my muscles. Not realizing I'm causing more damage, I continue to pull and yank while screaming and crying for help until a farmer shows up hearing the wreck and my painful cries. He calls an ambulance and the paramedics had to cut the wires out of the shattered fence to take me to the hospital where they performed surgery. I sadly lost a small chunk of my calf because the barbs had cut into it too deeply and required taking out the muscle to remove the wire from my leg. The flashback ends and I'm yanked back into the present with Daniela still awaiting an answer. Rather than just explain everything to her, I simply say, "I had a bad accident about...6 almost 7 years ago, it's fine now, just looks bad is all". Daniela seems somewhat satisfied with my answer yet she still looks as if she has more questions. I turn my attention back to my leg and roll my pant leg down as I hear Daniela say, "Oh, hi Cecily". My heart drops like a stone in my chest and my blood turns to ice. I don't even turn around to check if it really is Cecily and immediately start walking in the opposite direction down the hallway. I hear fast approaching footsteps behind me and decide now would be a good time to run. I dash through hallways away from who is now chasing me, see an open door,  and rush inside to throw them off. Once again, I'm not watching where I run and I trip over a deformity in the rug and fall, sliding along the floor into a wall. How many times must it take before I finally learn to watch my footing? As I start to get back up, I hear the door close. Please don't be Cecily.. I hear the click of the door locking and a chilling voice say, "You're dead special girl, and this time, m'lady isn't here to save you". It's definitely Cecily. I quickly get to my feet, and look around for another exit, but it seems she has me cornered. I put my hands up warningly, readying myself for a possible fight. "Cecily... please", I caution as I hear Daniela banging on the door and speeding off to go get Bela. In an instant, Cecily charges me and I brace myself. We slam into each other, fists and boots flying, hair pulling, growling, swearing, and rolling around in a furious ball of blind rage. We brawl, each trying to achieve our goal at defeating the other and claiming our victory, hers wanting to seriously harm me and mine just trying to stop her and get her away from me. She grabs and tears at my clothes as I push her away and attempt to throw her around. In fury, I actually kick her hard in the chest and send her flying through the locked door, nearly breaking it off its hinges. DAMN, SHE'S TOUGH. I'm sore all over and my back is throbbing painfully along with my rapid heartbeat in my neck. Cecily  groans and growls and she recovers and seizing my opportunity, I quickly escape. She recovers much more quickly than I thought she would and lets out a battle cry to alarm me that she's not done with me just yet. I race down the hallways and make my way to main hall, feeling myself get weaker from the growing agony in my back. God, agh I need to stop, grr this really fucking hurts now, what did she do to me? Wracked in agony, I nearly collapse in the middle of the floor and turn pitifully to face her. She continues to approach me even though she sees that I clearly can't continue to fight. Shit, she really does want me dead. "Ok, ok, win, I'm sorry", I plead between grunts of pain with her as she gets closer. She socks me hard in the face, making me fall backwards and my nose bleed profusely. Blood pours into my mouth as I try to catch my breath. The agony in my back now pounds through my body and makes me feel like I'm going to burst. Oh my god, I feel like I'm going to explode. "Please, just-", I beg to Cecily just before she grabs me and slams me into a wall. The impact of the wall sears through my body like a hot knife and I feel an immense pressure quickly be released in an split second along the sounds of muscles shredding and skin popping. Cecily's face turns bone white, her eyes nearly pop out her skull with a horrified expression and she freezes in terror. I scream bloodily in agony and rage at her and slash at her face while shoving her away. She winces slightly and grabs her face, blood running through her fingertips from the scratch. "LEAVE ME ALONE!!", I cry still engulfed in the flames of painful suffering and fury. She falls back horrified and scrambles away screaming, "YOU'RE A FREAK, A FREAK"! Yeah, she's one to talk and it  sure took her long enough to realize. I watch as she tears out the hallway madly and I wince and growl from a now strong, pushing, pulsing throb in my back. It all feels hot, wet, and raw through my shirt and vest as if there's a very large wound. I need to relax, everything will be fine if I just relax. Breathing heavily and still in a world of hurt, I fall to my knees, force my breathing to relax, and try to wipe my face once again. Suddenly I feel my cheek and lips be sliced and I pull my hand away quickly. How did I do that? Examining my hand for what might have sliced me, I realize that there are long sharp talons extended out in the spaces between my fingers. It startles me so badly that I jump, but as I continue forcing myself to relax and focus intently on them, I watch them slowly retract back into my hand as if they were never there. Daniela and Cassandra burst into the main hall arguing but stop dead in their tracks, freezing as still as Cecily did, when they see me. They both share the same look of pure terror on their faces as well. Watching them and remembering Cecily's cries, I start to worry. What's wrong with me? I feel the stabbing, burning ache in my back once again and try to ease it with my touch. OW FUCK! I pull my hand away quickly feeling the raw open wound and shredded skin sting from my touch. Wait, I touched my lower big is this wound? Something is very wrong. I quickly brush my hands all over my torn up back and startle feeling something large, sticky, and bony poking out through my shirt and vest. That doesn't feel...human. Oh my god..oh my god, I am a freak. Immediately, I start to silently panic and tremble in hysterical horror as Cassandra slowly approaches me with Daniela very close behind her. "Val....are you ok?", she asks gently looking up slightly over me rather than at me. Something is growing out of my back, does that seem ok to you!?! Trying not to lose it again, I answer her trying not to let my voice break, " I'm not please help me". Cassandra sensing that I'm at a breaking point calmly says, "Ok, ok...what do you need"?
"I need Donna please go get Donna I need her right now!", I instantly reply starting to sob. Cassandra hesitates, sighs, then turns to Daniela and instructs, "Don't leave her alone and make sure she doesn't move", before speedily leaving. Daniela watches me intensely in frozen silence as we both wait patiently for Cassandra to return with Donna. It feels like hours pass by before I finally hear the quick pitter patters of Donna's buckled shoes racing into the hall. Seeing me, she races over to me. "Oh my god it happened.... are you alright?", she asks panicking. Wait, what does she mean by that..did she know this was going to happen????  I'm in too much pain and too distressed to care right now and silently sobbing, I beg through tears, "Please help hurts so bad". Donna moves around to my back and I feel her extreme nervous energy as she softly says, "Oh no, the other one is stuck". OTHER ONE, STUCK? WHAT'S STUCK, OTHER ONE OF WHAT!?!  She beckons for Cassandra to come to her and making sure I can't hear, quitely instructs her to pull on something. Before I can completely make out what she said, I cringe feeling a hand reach into the wound on my back and tug on whatever is causing the throbbing, pulsing pain. Donna warns, "Not so hard!", but it's too late. She yanks aggressively and I feel my back burst and rip open causing me to scream out in burning agony again. I hear Donna fret and cry in panic as she presses her hands on my back to stop the bleeding. "Ah, ah, just relax, please relax, it's over, it's ok, shhh", she desperately tries to reassure as I continue to sob and moan in pain and terror. Unfortunately, I never get a chance to relax and everyone stops cold as we all hear the familar heavy footsteps quickly approaching. Just as they stop, I glance towards the hallway opening with tears clouding my vision and Donna holding me tenderly to see the familar silhoutte of Lady Dimitrescu standing tall and looking down at all of us in horrified shock with Bela next to her. "Mother", Daniela starts to say sounding very scared, "something's wrong with Val, she's hurt really bad".

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