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I ran to a boat as fast as I could trying to escape this freezing place, I couldn't stay here any longer.

'As long as no one finds out it's fine right?' I thought as I checked my bag seeing my stuff still there.

Clothes, around 11 bags of mora, some food, and pictures to remind me of my times here with my friends and the times here with my enemies.

'Hopefully my delusion of a life won't effect this. I can't forget, I need to remember so I never come back again.' I thought taking a large breath.

The boat stopped as I ran. Liyue was beautiful but I have no time to focus on that.

I began to walk down the grassy plains, green covering everywhere. I sat and looked towards the sky and thought about my plans for the week as I just arrived in Liyue.

'Running away from my old home was never going to be easy, especially when that home was somewhere like Snezhnaya, but I knew I could never stay there again. Leaving behind my old friends was of course hard but I don't have much of a choice right?' I thought as I took another deep breath in, I hope someday I'll believe that.

'Whatever, it's fine. I just need to find where I'm staying and hopefully stay out of sight from most people as I may have been reported missing already.' I thought to myself.

I tried to focus as my adrenaline began to wear off and I started to feel numb.

I was out of breath as I began to tear up.

I slapped my hands to my cheeks sitting up as I soon after wiped my tears.

'I don't have time for this. I need to find a place to stay for the night and then leave tomorrow morning as early as I can.' I thought as I looked towards the sky.

I stood up as focused as I can be at this exact time.

'I definitely need to calm myself, I can't be freaking out like this especially if I see someone else. I'd look incredibly suspicious.' I chuckled shortly to my thought.

'I definitely already look suspicious don't I? Not like I care too much.' I wondered as I sighed.

A man with golden hair braided at the back and a small floating child walked towards me.

Panic attack, you annoying bitch. Not now thanks.

'Was I caught already?' I thought as I tried to look anywhere else but towards the pair.

"Hi, I'm Aether and this is my emergency food Paimon. You seem like you're freaking out are you okay?" Aether asked looking towards me.

The Paimon thing looked like it was going to say something but it seemed to decide not to.

"Oh sorry but I just got lost and need to find a place to stay, I'm really sorry but can I have some help." I said adding some sobs at the end of it. "I'm really sorry I don't want to bother you."

I had tears in my eyes although I was just faking it somewhat stung my eyes.

'Please just help me and then leave me alone.' I thought to my self trying not to show anything about my true self.

-End of the first chapter-

I hope this is confusing enough. If it doesn't make sense, that's mostly the point. If you have questions you can ask and I'll try answer without giving the story away ofc. Remember to eat and drink something today and I hope you have a lovely day. :)

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