chapter 1

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Sarah was knitting with her dorm's door open. she finds it stimulating to be knitting, and listening to people's conversations at the same time. she realized it was October 15th. she thought it was a good time to start spaying her Christmas room spray in her dorm. she got up from he bed and started rummaging through the top shelf of her tiny non-walk-in closet. she found a box labeled "seasonal" and went to grab it. before she could, she got really dizzy and had to take a seat in the chair behind her. after a few seconds, she was passed out cold. a man walking by noticed her, and let himself in. "excuse me, are you okay? ma'am? hello?" he couldn't get and response, although he didn't expect to. she was obviously unconscious. he picked her head up. "hello? are you alive?" he said, timid. "hmm?" groaned Sarah as she woke up. "oh! you're okay! do you need anything?" he asked politely. "what.. oh!" Sarah exclaimed as she sat up straight in the chair. "no sir, thank you. I'm fine." he had never seen someone so nonchalant about passing out. "are you sure you're completely okay after that?" he asked in a panic. "yes, that's just how I am. I just stood up too fast, got dizzy, and passed out. ever since I was born, I get nauseous and pass out really easily." she explained. "oh.. well do you need anything then?" "no, thanks. now if I could only remember what I was doing before I passed out." she started looking around for an unfinished job. "that box there looks like it's about to fall down. I think you were trying to get something out of it." the man said, trying to help out. "oh yes! thank you! why don't you stay awhile and smell this wonderful room spray?" she asked thankfully. "oh sure, why not?" she looked through the box and found the spray. "so you pass out really easily? you should probably see a doctor about that." she started spraying, "I definitely do. I've went a couple times, but..." she started to fall, but he caught her. she started to go unconscious, but he shook her a bit to keep her awake. she gained full consciousness again, and stood up. "oh sorry! I inhaled too much of that spray. the aroma was too much for me to handle." she apologized. "oh, well let's go somewhere else. would you like a coffee?" he asked, trying to keep her safe. "no, but I would love a hot cocoa!" she ran out of the room. "okay let's go!" he ran after her, trying to keep up.

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