chapter 2

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"one hot cocoa and one.. actually, two hot cocoas." the man ordered at the cafe. "coming right up!" the barista said. they got their cocoas and sat at a table. "so, when and why did you come here?" the man said. "oh, I've been here since birth." Sarah replied. "hmm, tell me how that works. does your mother work here?" the man said, trying to learn more about this mysterious girl. "well my mom got pregnant when she was 13, that's why her parents sent her to this school. once she moved here, both of her parents died in a car wreck. I was born here and I had to stay here, because I had nowhere else to go." it had been awhile since that many words had left her mouth. she was really warming up to this guy. "oh. so tell me, where is your mother now, if you don't mind me asking?" he was intrigued. "she died a couple years ago. another student at this school stabbed her to death." she said nonchalantly. "oh, I'm sorry for your loss." he didn't feel like the mood had dampened. even though that's a sad thing to say, she said it so cold-heartedly. "no it's okay. I didn't really like her. she didn't raise me at all. teachers and staff have raised me up to here." she sounded fearless and brave the way she talked like these things aren't a big deal to her. "when and why did you come here?" he was sad to hear her ask that, he wanted to talk more about her and her interesting life. "oh I just got in too much trouble at school. my parents are a couple of goody two shoes so they pretty much immediately put me in here after a few times if getting the police called on me. how do you like it here?" he tried to change the subject back to her. "I've never known anything different. I don't have anything to compare it to. but I will say it's a lot better here since my mother passed. I used to have to share my room with her, now I get my own." her mood seemed to have completely changed from when they first met in her dorm. "well looks like we're both done with our cocoas. we better head back. you should come to my dorm again. I would  love some more of your company!" her mood almost immediately switched back. "uh yeah, let's go!" when they got to her room, he said "here, let me open the window. the smell is still a little strong." she just stood still and didn't say anything. he opened the window and she cautiously sat on the bed, staring at the open window, almost like it was a ghost.

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