chapter 3

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she was too busy staring at the window to let him know that he could sit too. he sat on the bed next to her without invitation anyway. "it feels really nice out today, don't you think?" he said trying to get over the awkwardness. "have you ever been out there?" she acted as if outside was something foreign to her. "yes of course. not as much since I've been in here. why are you asking? have you?" he was suddenly intrigued. another interesting thing about her life. "no. I haven't, okay?!" he couldn't believe it. but he also kinda could? she had been in this school ever since she was born. teachers and staff raised her. her mother got sent here because of the outside world. it wouldn't be surprising, although it was just a bit. because how can someone live their whole life and not go outside? it seemed as if she had experienced so many things. how is it that she had never experienced outside? a completely normal human thing to experience? this girl was very interesting and the man never wanted to stop hearing stories about her life. even though he was thinking all of these things a mile a minute, all he could get out of his mouth was "oh, wow." two words? seriously? make her think your interested! let her know you want to hear more! stop being so closed off! "yeah, I know. your not as shocked as most people are." she said looking down at her legs. "well, you were born here and raised by staff members. your mother got sent here because of the outside world. it is pretty mind boggling, but it's also kind of understandable." she had never met someone so mature. nothing about that statement was mature but coming out of his mouth, it felt like it.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2021 ⏰

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