Reunion with sora

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Razor back's pov I was standing over machinedramon's dead corpses with war greymon x and metal garurumon X . A well job done you two. Suddenly machinedramons speaks this isn't over before he turns into data. War greymon x and metal garurumon x dedigivolve to agumon X And gabumon X. Gabumon x and agumon x ask at the same time what now Razor? Hop into the digivice you two need rest. They nod then they enter my digivice. I walk through the jungle until the brush was too thick so I cut it with my combat knife. Suddenly I hear the sound of crying. I followed the sound of crying and was surprised at who it was. It was my old best friend/ school crush sora. I sit down next to her and put her in my lap rubbing her back. Sora's pov: I felt my self being picked up and being put in the mysterious persons lap and they start to rub my back. I look up only to be surprised. It was my old friend razor back. Razorbacks pov I look down at sora and see her eyes were pure red from crying. Why are you crying sora? Sora reply's sadly because Matt called me a slut and said that I was begging for attention. He picks up sora bride style. Sora's cheeks becomes atomic red. Why don't we talk at my place. She nods. At razorbacks apartment. Sora was sitting in a chair while razorback was sitting on a couch. If you have any questions sora feel free to ask. Sora nods. Sora pov: First question why did you stop talking to me I ask sadly. Razorback reply's because you always talked about how great tai and Matt are. I ask how did you get into the digital world I asked. Razorback reply's I have two partners. She nods. Third sora bit her buttom lip. Razor says well? In sora's mind: (hopefully he still has feelings for me) do you still have feelings for me? Razor POV I bit my bottom lip. Well she asks patiently. I suddenly grab sora by her arm and smash my lips onto hers. Sora's eyes widen. I felt sora wrap her slender arms around my neck. I break off. The sound of both of panting could be heard how's that for answer. I lay down next to her and she cuddles up to me. We ended up finally falling asleep.

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