Chapter 22 -discovery

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So ayun nga tambak ako sa mods kaya less update, thankfully I finished this chap na, kaya ayan na muna update.




After a few days...

"Chalisa, have you already fed Chali?" Rabiya, who was putting some things in the kitchen, questioned loudly.

She turned back after hearing no reaction.

"Ahhh!" Amanda, who was standing behind her, shocked her. She was completely oblivious that her girlfriend was approaching her. "Chalisa, oh my god! You're going to give me a heart attack if you keep doing that! "she said, her hand clenched on her chest.

Amanda hugged Rabiya towards the counter and said, "That's what you get for naming the dog after me."

"Aww, you're still upset about it? But, you're both adorable tho" Rabiya beamed at the taller girl, giggling.

Both of our eyes were filled with adoration. Another pair of eyes filled with genuine love and other tainted.

"Wait a minute!" What about your work. Is okay? cuz' you've been staying at home lately" Rabiya questioned because 'Chalisa' hadn't been to work in a lengthy moment.

"It's okay, luv; I prefer being with you over working."

Rabiya smiled, but she was still bewildered. She questioned, "Where do you work?"

"Is that a pizza? Oooh, is that a pizza?" Amanda made a gesture toward the oven. "I'm hoping you used a lot of cheese luv." It'll undoubtedly be absolutely brilliant, especially since it was made by you!"

Rabiya chuckled, "Sus mambobola pa."

"Mam bow bow lay?" Chalisa attempted but failed terribly to impersonate her girlfriend.

Rabiya let out a big laugh as she laughed at how ludicrous 'Chalisa' said it. "Jusq lord," Rabiya breathed.

Chalisa locked her gaze on the laughing girl. "Geez, sorry, I'm sorry," Rabiya said, but a few giggles managed to escape.

"What?" pouted 'Chalisa.'

"I'm sorry, that just sounded so horrible and funny," Rabiya exclaimed.

"But don't worry, the pizza will be ready in a minute," Rabiya said as she pecked Chalisa on the cheek before turning around and returning to her previous task.

Amanda did nothing but stand there and watch the girl of her dreams go about the kitchen. She grinned, relieved to have finally gotten what she had wished for for the past six years.




... 8:00 pm ...

Rabiya gasped, her hands covering her mouth in horror and pain. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she scanned the data and videos that had been transmitted to her laptop while she had been watching something else.

Amanda left Rabiya alone for the day when she went to work this morning. She considered paying a visit to her friends, but she decided against it because she needed to look after Chali for the day after she was ill the previous days after swallowing a chemical from the washroom.

While she waits for her girlfriend to arrive, she chose to watch movies on her laptop. However, data, as well as images and videos, were just sent to her as proofs a few minutes ago.

Rabiya remained glued to her laptop, oblivious to the fact that Amanda had arrived home and entered their room.

Rabiya was staring at the laptop, tears streaming on her cheeks. When Amanda noticed her, she rushed over to the girl, surprised as to why she was crying.

She froze for a moment when she realized what Rabiya was gazing at. She shot a glance towards Rabiya, who had a pained expression on her face. Those large doe eyes were filled with sorrow and betrayal.

"You're Amanda, right? and m-m-married, as well?" At the end, her voice wavered. Rabiya couldn't believe she'd been duped by a married woman, let alone one who had left her for a man.

Amanda attempted to reach out to the girl on the bed, but she scooted back. Amanda bit her inner cheeks, enraged at her girl's refusal to allow her to even touch her.

"I-i can explain. Pleaseee, kitte- "A wounded voice interrupted her.

"No. Please don't refer to me as that" Rabiya took a deep breath and gently stood up.

She took out her phone and prepared to call her friends, but then a notion occurred to her. She fixed her gaze on Amanda.

"Are my friends aware?" In hushed tone, she questioned.

Amanda remained quiet.

"Do they have any idea?!?" Rabiya screamed, her rage finally reaching the surface of her emotions.

Amanda was caught off guard by the younger girl's outburst. She finally nodded at the question, seeing the girl's reaction. She rushed out of the house, her lips trembling.

Amanda run after her. She finally caught up to Rabiya and grabbed her arm to stop her.

"Kitten I-" says the kitten.

"I told you not to call me that!" Rabiya tried to free her arm only to fail miserably, Amanda's grip was too strong.

Rabiya locked her gaze on Amanda. Looking into the girls' anguished eyes, Amanda's heart ached and her grip loosened. Rabiya took advantage of the chance and left.


Rabiya's POV

As I proceeded to walk away, I felt deceived. My friends were well aware of everything, yet they never said anything to me? They knew, and yet they kept it hidden from me? Is that why they reacted so harshly to Chalisa, or Amanda, or whatever her name is?

I'm not sure where to go. I was planning on staying at my friend's place, but now that I know they're involved in this, I'm not so sure I can trust them.

"Putangina!!!!!" As I stepped to a side to wait for the cab, I screamed in frustration.

Seeing that email. That particular file. Those images and videos. Knowing who she is really is. I'm such a doofus.

So it explains why she refused to tell me anything about her personal life.

I can't believe I'm in a relationship with a married woman-or rather, that I was in a relationship with a married woman. I didn't tell her we were breaking up, but after all of this, this relationship is hopeless, is this even a relationship at all?

My thoughts are whirling around in my head. So she's Amanda, the one who abandoned me. Why did she have to return and screw up my life after I had already forgotten about her? Why did she have to return just to hurt me once more?

She should've simply remained in my forgotten memories.

Nut do I really mean that?

I-Im not so sure at all.

"Beeeep!!!" A loud noise was heard taking Rabiya's attention.




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