A Funeral

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Jasmine headed back down the Cathedral, Barbara's gratitude still ringing in her ears. She caught sight of someone hiding behind the corner, and recognized his as Barbara's stalker-fan. But he was simply sweeping the area around the church while giving the Cathedral wistful glances. She headed down the stairs, pausing to scratch a little tabby under the chin. It was nightfall, the streets lit by lanterns.

She caught sight of Kaeya, who was walking up the stairs, his eyes and gait steady, but cheeks flushed. The bitter scent of alcohol that usually accompanied him was a tad bit stronger.

"You've been drinking," Jasmine noted. It was neither a question nor an accusation. It was a simple fact.

He nodded. "At the Cat's Tail."

"Ah, Diona's bar," said Jasmine, wondering if Kaeya needed a hand. He apparently didn't as he started walking down the street, heading to his home with Jasmine in tow. Jasmine was beginning to realized his nightly trips were the reason the scent of alcohol clung to him like an overly clingy octopus.

This wasn't the last time she'd seen his cheeks flushed red with alcohol.

A couple of days later, late into the night, she took it upon herself to clean up the bookshelf. The doorbell rung, bringing her away from the task at hand.

"Kaeya—" she said as she opened the door, only to be faced with a red-haired man.

Stunned, she took a step back and looked to see Kaeya asleep on the man's back. A nun followed them. It took her a second to realize that it was Sister Rosaria, and that she held Kaeya's coat in her hands.

The man invited himself in, and dumped Kaeya on the couch with absolutely no gentleness. He turned to face her, his scrutinizing gaze making Jasmine feel like a cornered mouse. His gaze softened. "Who are you?"


He waited, but she didn't continue. "Diluc."

"What are you doing in Kaeya's house?" asked Rosaria.

Jasmine shuffled her feet as she wondered how to answer her. Rosaria hated long, drawn out answers. "Kaeya took me in when I ran away."

Diluc raised an eyebrow, but Rosaria nodded. Diluc didn't seem to notice as he walked to the door with Rosaria following. "It was a pleasure to meet you, Jasmine," he said as he left.

She closed the door behind them, before heading to the couch. Kaeya was fast asleep, his chest rising and falling steadily. Heading to his bedroom, she pulled a blanket off his bed and tossed it on him, tucking him in. He mumbled under his breath as her lips quirked upward.

Jasmine wondered whether Kaeya drank to escape his past, or if it was only because he truly enjoyed it. He never spoke about his past. The most she had gotten out of him was that his father had abandoned him, and Krepus had taken him in. He mentioned his adopted brother was Diluc, and now Jasmine knew who that was. She wondered how many secrets he had.

But she couldn't actually belittle him, for she too had her secrets.


The next morning, Kaeya woke up with his head pounding. Making his way to the kitchen, he smiled as he saw Jasmine yawning at the counter.

"Breakfast?" he asked, his eyes landing on the already-set table.

"Soup," said Jasmine, stretching her arms above her head. "Since you're probably hungover."

"Thanks, darling."

"No problem, honey," she said without missing a beat.

He smiled. "How did I get here?"

"Diluc and Rosaria brought you back. Diluc dumped you on the couch." She joined him at the table, coffee cup in hand. Kaeya stifled a smirk at the way her hair was a mess. "You must've gone to Angel's Share."

Iridescent Ice Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora