For The Worthy

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Jasmine woke up much later in the night, darkness filtering in through the windows. Lamplights illuminated the room, not really allowing her to see much, except for the fact that she was alone in her disturbed sleep. Pulling herself off the bed, she headed out the door, letting the door fall shut silently behind her. She was still in the Cathedral, but the silence made her feel more alert than ever. Walking down the hall, she stopped as she heard someone speak, their voices filtering through the door.

"We said we were going to poison the wine supply. Are you stupid?

"I think I missed the date you were planning to do that."

"Anyone with good sense would have stayed away from wine after hearing that, you alcoholic."

The second person made an annoyed sound in the back of his throat, as Jasmine held her breath and listened.

"They still haven't tracked down the one who started the fire yet, have they?"

"Not at all. Signora knows how to cover her tracks. Childe got an earful for putting the fire out." A fleeting memory of orange hair flashed in her memories.

"Why did he do that?"

"Apparently there was a child in the building. She died anyway."

Jasmine heard the slight shifting of blankets, and changed her stance, ready to run at a moment's notice.

"That old lady... Lily was her name?" Mirela felt her heart stop. "I'm surprised she agreed to hand over a recipe for poison in exchange for protection."

"She seemed off her rocker."

Jasmine stepped back, ready to run down the Cathedral and lend her newfound knowledge to Kaeya, but a sharp pain spread through her neck and she fell, darkness consuming her with none of the warmth it had carried when Kaeya had set her off to sleep.


She woke up in an abandoned building in a godforsaken place, her ankles and wrists were tied. There was no on in the room, but she had a feeling she knew who had brought her here. She could taste iron in her mouth — blood. Squirming upright, she looked around, wondering where she was. Was she still in the city, or had she been dragged out? She cursed under her breath. No one knew she was out, the Cathedral had been asleep.

Seeing a jagged piece of wood, she scooted over to it, attempting to cut the ropes around her wrist. If she could just get her hands free–

The door opened, letting in a burst of light, and she squinted at the robed figure until she pulled her hood down.

"Hi, mother," Jasmine said with a confidence she did not feel.

"Hello, child." Her smile had a mark of insanity, and Jasmine felt an involuntary shiver down her back. "Did you know my husband died?" Her eyes darkened. "It's your fault. He died because you sent him to jail, just like how your sister died because of you," she hissed.

Elsie winced before gathering herself. "No." She looked up at her mother, with nothing but pure hatred. "Maya died because you killed her. Your husband was sent to jail because he deserved to go there. You should've died there too," she spat.

"You brat!"

Jasmine closed her eyes, a sharp pain blossoming in her stomach. She could tell it was a knife slash without even having to look at it, but she didn't know how deep it was. "Stop. You're only digging yourself another grave," she muttered. The warmth of her stomach had her shivering.

"That's only if they find your body."

As her mother started carving out her shoulder, Jasmine focused on her breathing. She had to live. She wanted to live. If only she were more powerful, if only she had power, if only. She could live on. She wanted to live on.

She saw a flash of purple behind her closed eyelids, and she screamed. She screamed for her lost sister, for her lost childhood, for a life she should have had. And she felt power surge through her, electricity shooting through her veins. She felt her mother fall back as she opened her eyes. An electro vision sat on her lap, blood was running down her shoulders and stomach. Electricity was still shooting from her, through the roof, into her fallen mother. She vaguely wondered whether the whole place would come down.

She saw the door open and saw someone ran in. He grabbed her face with both hands. "Darling, stop." She shook her head and his grip tightened. "Look at me." Her eyes met Kaeya's. "You're alright." The electricity still hung in the air as she fell forward, and Kaeya caught her. "You're bleeding."

She made an amused sound in her throat as he untied her.

"She's dead," she heard a familiar voice say. Diluc.

"Who's dead?"

"Your mother," said Kaeya.

"What a relief," she muttered as he hoisted her into her arms.

"Diluc, I'm heading to the Cathedral."

Diluc took one look at Jasmine before he nodded. "Hurry. I'll take care of the rest."

"Thanks," muttered Jasmine, her palm wrapping around the Vision. She could've sworn Diluc smiled as he eyed it.

She felt the darkness pull at her.


She woke up later in a bed, her eyes falling on Kaeya, who was sitting next to her. "Hey," she muttered weakly, feeling the bandages wrapped around her.

"You're awake." The relief in his eyes was immense. "You've also been charged with murder."

"It was self-defence."

"That's also what I told Jean." He leaned back in his chair. "Seeing the state you were in, she agreed. How are you feeling?"

"Like I've been through a shredding machine."

"Accurate, considering you've been sliced up like a chicken."

She made an annoyed sound in the back of her throat, as a sister walked up. "Sir Kaeya, please do not cause distress to my patients."

Jasmine smiled as she watched Kaeya raise both his hands in surrender. He placed a kiss on her forehead before walking out.


Jasmine was let go with minor scrapes the next evening. She had to admire the sisters' healing ability. Kaeya picked her up from the Cathedral, and pulled her down to the tavern, where Diluc greeted them. "How are you?"

"Brilliant. I hear alcohol is more effective than a painkiller," she said, just wanting to tease him.

He gave her a dry look before setting Apple Cider Vinegar in front of her.

"When you grow up a bit, you should try his Dandelion Wine. It's the best," said Kaeya.

Diluc's expression didn't change, but she could tell he was happy. His eyes fell on the Vision hanging from her hip. "How did you get a Vision?"

"She once told me that a Vision was for the ambitious, not for those who had given up on life," said Kaeya, appearing to reminisce fondly.

"Perhaps I found a reason to live again," she said, tapping Kaeya's nose. "I wanted to live."

"Ah, so you do feel something for me. And people say my charm is fake."

"Those people aren't wrong," said Diluc.

Jasmine smiled. "So take responsibility for giving me a will to live and teach me how to use a Vision properly."

Kaeya and Diluc exchanged a glance. Diluc crossed his arms. "Can't be too different from a Cryo Vision."

"We'll see."

Kaeya placed his hand under his chin and tilted her face up. "So get ready in the morning, because you'll be sparring with me tomorrow." He smiled. "And you stay with me, for however long you want."

Jasmine's answering smile was self-explanatory.

*************The End***************

If you read this far, thank you. All comments and votes gave me happiness, I wish you a good day >.<

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