Chapter 1

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On March 30th at 11:00 PM, Neon Saki was born.

On July 25th at 11:30 PM, Kira Fujimoto was born.

They didn't know it yet, and they wouldn't have for years, but these two would go on to become best friends.

You could even say they would become one of the closest pairs of best friends you've ever seen.

Because that, my friends, is exactly what ended up happening.

Himeko Nezumi, Kira's Mother, and Mei Saki, Neon's Mother, were also friends so the two kids ended up being around each other a lot in their lives.

But they wouldn't become best friends until they were older.

At the age of eight was when the two children finally collided. Kind of.

Sit tight until that happens, though.

In the hospital on the night of Neon's birth, Mei, a young woman with long black hair and black eyes, was not having a good time. Then again, childbirth isn't a pleasant thing to go through. After a lot of screaming, clutching hands, and a few tears, Neon was born.

After the doctors wrapped Neon up in a blanket, they gave her to Mei. Crying tears of joy, Mei looked down at her newborn daughter and smiled.

"Welcome to the world, Neon."

"Same words from me." Mei's husband, Taichi, said. He had short brown hair and blue eyes.

After a few more words, the doctors took Neon away so Mei could rest.

As for Kira a few months later, that was just a slightly harder process to go through. Himeko screamed, clutched onto her husband's hands, and tried not to show tears, but Kira was finally born. She took a little longer to pop out than Neon did.

Once she was wrapped in a blanket and handed to Himeko, Himeko grinned, looking at the baby in her arms. Himeko had hazel eyes and dark teal hair. She kept her hair short in the back, but grew out the long sides in the front.

"Nice to meet you, you little pain." She said in a teasing manner.

The newborn looked at her Mother and stared at her.

Himeko took a closer look at her newborn daughter. She looked at Kira's mouth.

"Oh? She has little fangs..." Himeko said, and peeled back the cloth over her child's head, only to see a little blue hair sprouting from her head.

"Looks like she got my blue hair." Her husband, named Yoshio, said. He has green eyes and wears black rimmed glasses.


"Mei's kid had black hair. You know what this means?" Yoshio asked, grinning at Himeko. Thinking she knew where this was going, Himeko looked up at Yoshio.

"She's a main character!" Yoshio said, earning a grin from Himeko.

"Alright, fine. That got a grin out of me."
Months later after the girls were born, Mei was grocery shopping when she ran into Himeko.

"Oh! Hey there, Mei!" Himeko said with a smile, then greeting her friend with a wave.

"Hello, Himeko." Mei said with a smile and a polite nod.

Mei and Himeko took a look at each other's carts and saw a baby in the front of both carts. Smiling, Mei walked over to Himeko's cart and peered over baby Kira.

"He's cute!"

Himeko began chuckling as she walked over to Mei's cart.

"What's so funny?" Mei asked.

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