Chapter 8

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At age 25, Neon and Kori began living together. Yuki and Kira had been living together as well.

And yes, both couples were married.

As Kira and Yuki were watching TV together in the living room one day, the house phone in the kitchen rang.

"I'll get it." Kira said, getting off the couch and making her way towards the phone.

When she picked it up and answered it, she heard Kori's voice.

"Hey, Kori. What's up?"

"Just thought I should check in with you. How are you guys?"

"We're doing fine. How about you guys?"

"Good. We're doing fine too. Listen...has Neon ever told you if she has depression?"

Getting concerned, Kira raised a brow.

"Why? Has she told you anything?"

"No, but she's said some weird stuff to me lately. She keeps asking me what my reaction would be if I died or if she wasn't here with me." Kori responded.

"And what do you tell her?"

"I tell her that I'd be sad and she's also told me some other things. She's told me stuff like how she shouldn't be alive or that she'd be better off dead."

Kira's heart began to pound. Neon truly said all that stuff about herself?

"Wait, you serious? She's actually said that to you, Kori?"

"Yeah. I tell her that's not true, but she'll always give me a sad smile and shake her head."

"Anything else?" Kira asked, intrigued to know more about her best friend.

"Not that I can think of."

"Alright then. Thanks for letting me know, Kori."

"No problem, Kira."

After that, the two of them hung up their phones. Kira was soon sitting down next to Yuki on the couch.

"Who was that? Sounded kinda serious." Yuki asked her.

"It was Kori. He had some questions about Neon." Kira replied, looking at him as she scratched her head.

"Oh. Alright." Yuki said, thinking he shouldn't ask any more questions since Kira seemed concerned about the conversation she had with Kori.
A few days later, Neon and Kori were visiting Kira and Yuki at their place. They were eating dinner with them.

The dinner went just fine, but Kira noticed that Neon seemed more quiet than usual. She gave Kori a worried look, and while he looked slightly less concerned than Kira, he shrugged his shoulders and that was that.

Before Kori and Neon left for their home that night, Kira watched as Kori walked out the door and then she placed a hand on Neon's shoulder.

Raising a brow, Neon turned around to face her friend, but remained quiet as she could tell Kira was going to ask a question.

"Neon, before you go to your place, there's something I want to talk to you about." Kira said.

"About what?"

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