Chapter 7

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Kori and Yuki became close friends to the girls before either of them knew it. After Neon had told Kori about her trauma, they seemed to become even closer. They were seventeen now and in their last year of high school.

Neon might have been starting to like him a little bit.

Alright. She likes him a lot.

Meanwhile, Yuki's little thing for Kira had definitely grown stronger over the years.

Besides the friendship between these kids, Kira and the boys had noticed that Neon had become even more withdrawn over the years.

Despite Kira being her best friend, Neon never told Kira that much about it. She wasn't sure how to tell her.

She wasn't sure how she was going to tell her that she had severe depression.

Neon had gone to a therapist a year ago. When she finished her first appointment, she had been diagnosed with severe depression. She did receive a paper for it, but so far she's kept it hidden pretty well from Kira.

Neon couldn't help but wish for her parents to be alive. As the years had gone by, sometimes she would have imagined herself in situations where she meets her parents again and her reaction to it. Other times her parents are still alive and raising her.

In those scenarios, Kira is still her best friend and not her foster sister.

And in most of those situations, Kori and Yuki unfortunately don't make an appearance. It's just Neon and her parents.

While Neon always imagined those types of scenarios after her parents died, now it's become even more frequent. She even has dreams about them.

In those dreams, she'll talk to her parents about how her life is doing. They'll smile and listen, but that's not the best part.

The best part is that they'll look completely normal. It always looked like nothing bad happened to them.

Neon loves that about her dreams.

One day during school, Neon, Kira, Kori, and Yuki had been sitting in their classroom and talking to each other.

Hamilton, a classmate of theirs and also their friend, walked into the room. His has short orange hair and green eyes. He wore the school's male uniform, but tied his blazer around his waist which revealed his white buttoned up shirt he had been wearing.

"Hey guys! Whatcha talking about?" He asked, smiling at them and sitting in his desk chair.

"Stuff." Neon replied.

Hamilton tilted his head and let out a quack, but then shrugged and turned in his seat.

After a few more minutes of talking, Hamilton turned to them and pointed a thumb to the door.

"Heads up. Here comes Shelby."

Shelby was a classmate that Neon, Kira, Kori, Yuki, and even Hamilton didn't like despite what looked like Yuki sometimes flirting with her, causing confusion from all of them.

She was a short, annoying cheerleader with brown eyes and long brown hair that she ties up at the left side of her head. She doesn't like Neon because she thought Neon was too emotionless, Hamilton because he's weird, and even Kori, which is an question the gang had never gotten an answer to.

As for Kira and Yuki, she has a crush on both of them. This might be obvious already, but she has no idea that Kira's actually a girl.

Normally Shelby's insults didn't bother either of the friends, but that was going to change for Neon today.

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