Chapter 4

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It's been two weeks since Kira had sprained her ankle. She was doing much better now and was able to walk on both feet now with a slight limp.

After Kira had sprained her ankle, Neon had a dream about the two of them a few days later. You remember how Kira had a dream about the two of them?

In Neon's dream, it was similar to Kira's dream since they were close friends in the dream and even looked older than the age they currently were. Neon decided to include that in her letter.

Neon still hadn't asked Kira about what kind of books she liked to read yet, but she was going to.

On the bus ride home that day, Neon turned to Kira, finally prepared to ask that question.

"Hey Kira?"

"Yeah?" Kira replied with a grin, looking at Neon.

"What kind of books do you like to read?"

"I'll read just about anything, but I've been reading a lot of manga lately." Kira said, placing a hand to her chin as she looked out the window.

"Perfect! I have a lot of manga on my bookshelf. I should ask Kira if there's one she wants. I probably have it!" Neon thought with a grin, finally relieved she had asked Kira the question.

"So is there a manga you've been wanting to read?" Neon asked.

And yes, it was out loud.

"Yeah. I read it around two years ago, but I don't have it anymore."

"What's that?"

"Pokémon Adventures volume 1." Kira replied.

"Alright then." Neon said, turning in her seat. She'd have to look on her bookshelf when she got home to see if she had that manga Kira was telling her about.
When Neon got home, she finished up any homework she had, and quickly as well. After she finished, she looked through the manga on her bookshelf.

"No, no...oh! That's it!" Neon said out loud, pulling a manga down from her bookshelf. She flipped it over to the cover page and saw that it was indeed the book that Kira told her about.

"Oh, that's right.....Mom got this for me for Christmas last year. I remember finishing it, but not touching it since then. I've been busy reading other things. I guess Kira can keep this. I can get a new one some other day." Neon muttered, placing the book on her desk and looking through her drawers for that letter she had written the previous night.

Once she found it, she smiled to herself, but took another look at the book on her desk.

"Not right now," She said as she placed the letter next to the book and walked out of the room.
Kira's ankle was healed now.

One afternoon, Neon was reading a book under that tree she and Kira liked. Kira was going to join her soon.

As Neon was reading, she heard a voice behind her.

"There you are!" Kira said, walking over to Neon and sitting next to her.

Seeing that Neon was reading a book, Kira decided to ask her about it.

"Whatcha reading?" Kira asked.

"One of my Mom's old history books." Neon replied.

"That sounds like something we'd do in school." Kira said, earning a strange look from Neon.

"Not this book." Neon replied, turning her eyes back to her book.

"So what's that about?"

"Oh, just about people back in the old times and some interesting stuff they've done." Neon replied, flipping to the next page in her book.

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