Obey or not?

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Aether's Pov:

"Do you think you're ready?" Childe asks while handing me a small knife and tossing a gun at me, the moment I grabbed the gun, I swiftly dashed over to Childe and pointing it on his forehead. He stood up immediately and in the next second, I was flipped over and facing the ceiling with Childe overlooking me. "I guess I'm ready," I said while squinting my eyes.

"This is the 27th time you tried aiming a gun at me, but failed miserably at firing it for the 27th time... and your 27th time getting flipped--- I'm starting to wonder are you getting bored of doing that?" Childe asked while smirking, moving his fingers to make a taunting face.

"I actually want to kill you--- " I said while walking right up to his stupid, playful goddamn face...

"That'll only kill you twice; I'll trigger the bomb before you know it and I'll slit your neck with my own knife, faster than you can blink..." he answered cheerfully, I hate to admit it but he did make a good point... "Yea, I guess that's true," I murmured while placing the gun back into my equipment bag.

"Hey Goldilocks, bear in mind that you cannot allow anyone to find anything that is related with the organisations; the tech, the gun, the bomb and the knife... don't reveal anything about this, don't tell anyone about this and if you're discovered... everything near you and you will ultimately end in a tragic explosion. You're quite a fantastic fella..."

Childe said while slowly shoving me towards the door, "Don't die," he whispered while slamming the door.

"Fantasied dumbass..." I mumbled while staggering through the hallway. My legs and back hurt, wearing the adjusted waiter outfit only made it more excruciating. Using the walls as support, I slowly made my way to the staff lounge.

The second I stepped inside and tried to avoid being seen, everyone turned around to look at me, whispering nonstop... I flinched when I felt a cold hand that landed on my shoulder.

"Where were you Aether? We're worried sick..." I blinked my eyes several times before turning around a facing the speaker. The Master stood right there with a worried expression.

"I got whisked away by a clingy guest, he was wearing a mask so I couldn't tell who he was, but I tried to abduct me, but I managed to escape and hid until morning---" I lied while biting my lip, hoping it was convincing enough. A mouthful of gasps and sympathetic looks spread across the room, the Master waved his hands around and cleared his throat.

"I hate for that to happen to my staff when there are guests like this, if anything happens, you can just tell me, I'll deal with it, okay everyone?"

Everyone nodded, including me.

"Well, in that case... I was very worried Aether... But I have good news for you, I hired a personal bodyguard for you, his name is Xiao, call his name and he'll arrive in an instant," I stared at the Master, flabbergasted, lost in words... if I get a bodyguard, it'll be much harder to carry on the mission... "Try it, say his name..." the Master suggested.

I slowly opened my lips and said "Xiao" very quietly, I made sure no one else heard it except for the Master, he appeared almost the second I spoke his name. "At your service," he said with his head down. Seeing the scene unfold before my eyes make me more fearful of this new bodyguard, "How is this possible?" I asked out of plain curiosity, wishing for it to have a flaw...

"Just some new tech toys we've gotten and it's invented recently, he's one of the tested vessels capable of using it to perfection... a private henchman of mine... experienced in combat and almost everything else, so no matter what happens, he is fully capable of protecting you."

Silent Game [Mansion AU] -Aether's HaremWhere stories live. Discover now