excerpt from the story ill never write Pt.2

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the words i love you gave me mixed emotions,

ive heard them many times,

from you i always loved them and apricated them,

but then i saw you said them without meaning,

you said them to get what you wanted,

yet i still grew with happiness when you said them, 

but after i love you came the sharp stab of what you've done,

you broke me in more ways than one, 

i will never be fixed because no matter how much i change,

the memory of you lives on in every object, 

every girl that was put above me is connected to every picture,

and every picture is burned in my mind, 

and you ask for forgiveness and i want to say no,

but for you my dear the answer is always yes

so know i love you but i also hate everything about you.

-sometimes we arn't meant to be

a poem made of many others i guessWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt