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For breakfast we had eggs and pancakes, one of the best you could have. Once Cindy handed Jay his plate he was able to willingly take it. " Perfect," he said. " Nothing's better than starting a school day off with good food," he explained. I yawned and slightly picked up my fork. As i reached for the pancake Kelly sat beside me and grabbed the syrup. " So where's mom and dad?," I tiredly asked. " Goodbye sweethearts," Mom said out of the blue. She kissed Kelly on her forehead then came towards me.  " Goodbye, where you two are going?," Cindy asked. " Me and your father is going on a 2 week trip to the Bahamas, i heard there would be a nice hotel close to the beach," she said, putting her hat on to block out the sun. " Mom you can't just go, who's going to take care of baby Blue?," Cindy asked. " We hired a nanny to come over, she'll be here after school," she explained, giving Cindy a kiss on the cheek. " Have fun on your trip," Chelsea smiled. " Thank you sweety," mom said, giving her a kiss on her cheek. She turned from Chelsea and looked at me." Goodbye my little blueberry," she said, kissing me upside the head. " Aw mom," i groaned, trying to gently pushed her off. Mom gave me a worried look. " My goodness, what happened? You used to be my baby," she said. " Yeah mom i USED to be your baby but i'm not 3 anymore," I pouted. " Son listen to your mother and let her give you kisses," dad said, coming from their room. " But dad," I groaned like a 5 year old. " No buts, me and your mother are going on vacation for a few weeks and she'll miss you to much," he said. " B-but," i stuttered a little bit. My dad slowly started to give me a death glare. " Do as your told son," he firmly said. I sighed in response and let her give me as much kisses as she wanted.

To be honest getting kisses at the age of 3 or 8 would make you feel like your their favorite, even if your not. But as years passed getting kisses from your mother in school was another word for sissy girl or mama's boy and i'm going through a tough time already. As mom gave me more kisses i groaned in annoyance. " Mom...are you done?," I asked. " One more," mom said. I sighed as she gave me a really big kiss on my forehead leaving a big lipstick stain. Once she was done Jay slightly giggled " Mama's boy," he slightly said. I gave him a death glare in return. " And don't you think i forgot my strong, handsome, little man," Mom said, walking towards Jay. Jay eyes widened in realization and coughed. " Mom that won't be necessary," he said. " Nonsense as you  live in this house your still my baby," she said. " I'm no baby," he protested. " I'm a man," he said. Mom, with a evil grin stepped to the side a little to see dads death glare. He tensed up and started to sweat. " On second thought, i'd love to have kisses, i'll miss you to much," he said. " WONDERFUL," Mom said. She grabbed Jay by his jacket and pulled him down to her level. She gave him so much kisses that his head almost turned completely red with  the help of her lipstick. " I'll miss you so much," mom said in between kisses. Once she stopped she gave us both a smile. " See you all," mom said. " Have fun," I slightly groaned. Before mom and dad reached the door she stopped' " Hold on i almost forgot," she said. She walked back towards us and gave us a happy look " Now where's Ritz?," she asked. Me and Jay emotionlessly looked at her and slightly pointed at Ritz, sleeping on the table. He slightly woke, eggs on his face. " Huh? What happened? Did i miss anything?," he asked. I looked at Ritz, i almost felt sorry for him...

But i don't XD

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