Chapter Two~I Never Told You What I Do For A Living

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"We have a new student here at the School of Visual Arts joining us today," she stated in her high-pitched voice. A shadow walked in through the door. Gwen felt her jaw drop as she slid down slowly into her chair. How is this possible? New York is full of other people! Gwen searched the room frantically for another empty seat, but all that was left was the seat beside her. Why was she stuck with the person she had embarrassed herself in front of? Not to mention that Gwen thought that he was downright creepy.

"Gerard, would you like to introduce yourself?" the professor asked the smirking boy.


"It's alright, professor. I believe you've introduced me already." he answered enthusiastically. The professor blinked in surprise, Gwen was hoping she would get angry with Gerard and kick him out. Instead, she giggled quietly and smiled at him.

"I believe I have! Please take a seat and we will begin the lesson." she motioned towards the rest of the room.

Gwen didn't understand anything. How was it possible for them to admit a student into the Art School late? Were they even allowed to do that?

Gerard didn't even look around for a different seat; he looked directly at Gwen and walked towards her table. Gwen tried to hide her face with her hands inconspicuously, probably failing to do so. He would have had to sit with her anyway, so she gave up her pathetic attempt and looked up. He was staring unblinkingly at her. She turned away stared at a person sitting on the other side of the room.

"Hello." Gerard's soft voice sounded from the seat beside her. She turned around slowly and faced him, trying to ignore how his eyes bore into her soul. Again.

"Uhh... hey." Gwen answered awkwardly. She began twiddling with her pencil.

"What are you doing here?" she asked before she could stop herself. She almost slapped a hand to her mouth for being so rude. "I mean- I haven't seen you here before," she babbled, trying not to make it seem too obvious that she was suspicious of him stalking her. Gerard chuckled in response.

"I'm just here to do art." he told her calmly, leaning back in his chair with his hands behind his head. Gwen opened her mouth to argue but was interrupted by the professor. She began explaining what they were going to do while Gwen sat straight and listened tentatively. She peeked at Gerard, who was playing with a pencil. She smiled to herself, there was no way he was going to last through this class with that attitude. The pencil suddenly hit the side of Gwen's head.

"Ow," she whispered, rubbing the place where the pencil collided with her scalp. Gerard sniggered quietly beside her and bent down to look for the pencil. He wasn't staring at her anymore, thank god, but Gwen wasn't sure that she liked it when he behaved like this either. She shot him a quick glare before turning back to the professor.

Not even ten seconds had gone by when Gwen felt Gerard poke her arm. She sighed and looked over at him, wearing the most annoyed expression she could manage to plaster on he face.

"What?" she mouthed. Gerard pointed towards the ground beside her. She looked down and saw the pencil beside her chair. Instead of picking it up she looked back towards the professor and ignored Gerard.

She felt another poke on her arm. Gwen tucked some hair behind her ear. She heard the loud scraping of the chair beside her as Gerard stood up. The professor stopped talking briefly while Gerard walked over to the other side of the table to get his pencil. Gwen continued to stare forwards, even when Gerard bent down right beside her. She suddenly cringed away from him uncontrollably, like it was a muscle spasm or something.

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