Chapter Six~ To The End

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"Mikey! It’s Gwen! I tried calling you like, six times yesterday. Why you no pick up?" Gwen hollered into the phone. A few seconds of silence went by.

"Hello?" Gwen asked again, to make sure he was still on the line.

"Yeah, yeah. I’m still here. I didn’t know that was you… Did you get a new phone or something?" he asked.

"Uhhh-" Gwen thought for a minute. Mikey probably wouldn’t be too happy when he found out Gwen was using a cellphone that Gerard had gotten her. "Yup. But anyway, what are you doing today? We didn’t get to do much yesterday."

"I’m working until four, but if you want we can hang out sometime after. Not for long, though." He informed her. Gwen felt her stomach drop slightly; Mikey was upset with her.

"Sure. Do you want me to walk over and meet you at Starbucks?" she asked, talking about the Starbucks right next to the Barnes & Noble where Mikey worked.

"No, it’s fine. I can drive over. See you then." He told her.

"Alright, bye. But wait-" Gwen began, but was interrupted by the tone signaling that Mikey had hung up.

"I’m sorry." She finished. Gwen closed her phone and tossed it onto her bed. She was sitting against the wall near her bed. Gwen dropped her head back, causing it to it the wall she was leaned against.

"Fuck." She cursed silently. Gwen looked down and began picking her bright blue nail polish off, having nothing else to do. It was 11:53, nearly four hours until she would talk to Mikey. Suddenly her phone vibrated and she sprang up and grabbed it. She quickly flipped it open and checked her text message, her heart falling slightly from disappointment.

"it’s Gerard. you busy today? I have something to show you :)" it read. Gwen sighed and sat up on her bed to answer.

"sorry, got some stuff today. maybe tmrw?" she answered. A few seconds later he answered.

"Sure. I’ll call you up or something." The text read. Gwen gave it a quick look and threw the phone onto her bed again, walking over to her desk and opening her laptop.

Mia was gone at a play rehearsal, and Gwen had the apartment all to herself. She reached over and plugged her old iPod into the dock and let the loud rock music pound through the apartment. Gwen went to check her emails first. She had a few from her old friends and a bunch from her school. She quickly skimmed through them; most of them were for fundraisers and meetings that Gwen had already missed, so she just deleted them. She then noticed that her parents had sent her an email and opened it, preparing for some gushy "we miss you" letter that her parents- mainly her mother- were sure to write eventually.

"Hello, Gwen. Your father and I are just wondering how everything is going so far. We’ve only talked a few times since you left two months ago and we were wondering how you were managing on your own. We heard you got a new roommate, what are they like? Are you getting along well? And how is your job going? Are they paying you enough? Do you need any money? And we know your birthday is coming up, so we were just wondering whether or not you would like to come down and visit us. I understand that it will be around Halloween and you’ll be busy, so it’s fine if you don’t.

Anyway, it is pretty lonely here without you; I’m even missing your loud music filling the halls of our house. I’m sure you’re enjoying listening to it without us bugging you to turn it down. LOL." Gwen shook her head and laughed quietly at her mother’s attempt at chatspeak. "Nisa is missing you as well, she still sleeps on your old bed every night. Your grandparents also called and congratulated you on finally going to Art School. You grandfather wasn’t too happy that you went all the way to New York, though. I think he wanted you to go down to Pennsylvania so that you would be near them.

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