Part I: Love at First Sight

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That day I still remember

The first time I saw her

She was wearing a floral green dress

But who she was I couldn't guess

She looked new and had no friends

As I saw her features I tried hard to pretend

Like my heart hadn't just skipped a beat

Like I didn't have to breathe or take a seat

She had gorgeous light blue eyes

They reminded me of clear summer skies

And as her blonde hair flew in the wind

Everything else around me just dimmed

The bell rang, I went to class in a hurry

She was looking at a note in her hand with worry

But soon she entered my homeroom

She sat ahead of me and I could smell her perfume

She was in my English class too, t'was a good day

She told the teacher that her name was Anne Gray

She stayed in my mind all day and night

And I just knew it was love at first sight


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