Part V: Despair

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My heartbeat goes at a thousand per second

As I watch her stunning face redden

And just like that, in a moment, my breathing stops

From light speed, to nothing my heartbeat drops

She looks sad and confused as she says it, 'No'

She continued, but everything got too slow

I gave her a small smile and told her it's alright

My heart shattered and I prepared to take flight

"Just give me a minute, I need to take a break"

I speed walk to the car I can't bear the ache

I turn on the engine and prepare to leave

As the tears start flowing I wipe them on my sleeve

I should've known, I was blinded by optimism

Shouldn't have ignored my mind's criticism

I don't think I can ever face her again

No, happiness I can not feign

I got home and locked myself up in my room

Tears continue to flow as I die and fume

Regret, hurt, anger all mixed in with despair

Oh dear god, tell me how this is fair?

---The End---

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