So Close to a Confession

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Wilbur POV

As Quackity and I were talking at the balcony of one of his skyscrapers, we notice a snowflake fall. Snowflakes fell one after the other. I look at Quackity smiling at the view admiring how pretty the outside was. He looked so beautiful in every shape, way or form. Why does he make me feel like this? I know I'm going to have to try something at some point, but I don't want to ruin what we have. What if he tries to kick me out again? With all these thoughts bombarding my head, I ignore them and give it a shot.

"Quackity" I say.

"Yes?" Quackity replies.

"There's something I've been meaning to tell you" I stammer whilst trying to gather every bit of confidence I have left.

"What is it?" Quackity asks.


"Quackity a customer is asking to see you" Sam cuts me off.

"Oh I'll be there in a minute" Quackity replies to him.
"So back to what you were saying Wilbur?" Quackity says.

I've lost it. I can't get my courage to tell him. I look intimidating as fuck but I'm an actual wimp.

"It's nothing" I say laughing it off.

"Alright then, catch you later!" Quackity says.

Quackity then heads downstairs to attend the business of his customer. Sam looks at me with a smirk plastered on his face.

"What?" I question.

"Just make something happen between you two already" Sam says.
"It'll be great trust me" Sam continues.

Sam leaves and heads downstairs leaving me confused.

I cross my arms and sigh. I look at the view and wonder what the hell am I going to do now.

        anyway a short cliff hanger typa beat B)
        i might even upload another story today :O after i do homework maybe lmao
        anyway hope you guys are doing well :D

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