David Hurt's Home Guard:

39 4 2

Defending Dover, Defending Britain

Lying upon the ground,

On the white chalked precipice,

With their abdomens horizontally

Facing south.

A regiment of the Home Guard

Scours the Loegria Riviera

For signs of their terror taunting foe…


Out of the corner of his eye,

A soldier spots bogey planes at a five o’clock angle

Coming out of the fog and dark bulbous clouds…


They shout.

Then aim their riffles and missiles

In the direction of the planes of their foes

And fire at them…

Their foe

Fire back

And one of the regiment soldiers becomes wounded…

He falls...

His body twists and

Slowly drifts towards the green blur of the ground

As if a leaf from the canopy of a great oak…

The regiment then spot parachutes

Gliding towards a field behind them…

Some were ordered to chase them down

And shoot any enemy within sight,

Even from the air,

In mid-descent,

If they were able…

The soldiers complied

And raced towards the field,

With riffles in hand…

While another was ordered to take his fallen friend to safety…

An hour later;

The regiment celebrate their victory,

In a local tavern.

They also remember and praise the fallen soldier’s bravery,

With a salute of glasses,

A cheer

And then pat him proudly on the back.

Avoiding his wounded left shoulder,

Encased in bandage and plaster…


A final salute

To the might and pride of their country...

War Poems: Muse to Remember - (By David Hurt)Where stories live. Discover now