Chapter 1

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Hope's POV

It was a new day at the Salvatore school for the young and gifted, and I had to get up and go to lessons. I looked to my left and saw the clock said 7:40 and I had to be in class by 8:00.So I quickly got up and got changed. It was now 8:03 I just sat down when Dorian walked it, in the class we were learning about magic centuries ago.

"Oh by the way I forgot to tell you that I will be giving everyone a partner for this project you will be working on" said Dorian

"What project is it" Josie said smoothly

"It's about how magic has changed throughout the years and I will be announcing your partners at the end of the lesson" ( I don't really know what classes they learn so I'm making it up lol-Chloe)

I am hoping to be partnered with raf because he's my best friend, however I don't wanna be partnered with Landon because after he cheated on me with Alyssa Chang I haven't spoken to him since and I don't think I plan too.

I was patiently looking at the clock watching the handles turn and the bell went. Finally I thought to myself let's see who we get paired up with.

"So the first pair is Lizzie and MG, Landon and Alyssa Chang, Josie and hope last but not least Rafael and Caleb" I was kinda bummed that Dorian didn't put me with raf but I thought how ironic when he paired Landon with Alyssa.

"Why can't I be with me sister" Lizzie complained

"Sorry Lizzie but I'm not changing ur partner"

I walked over to Josie wanting to ask her about when we should start this project.

"Hey" Josie said calmly to me

"Hey, when are we gonna start this project"

"I think we should start it tomorrow coz I'll be tired today and can we do it in your room coz Lizzie will annoy us."

"Yeah sure sounds great, You'll come after school tomorrow then"

"Alright" Josie said then smiled at me

I smiled back and left the classroom going back to my dorm room wait for the next class because we had a free period. Also I felt something in my stomach when Josie smiled but it's probably because I hadn't eaten anything today but I dicided to have a nap so I shut my eyes and went to sleep.

Hoped you like this chapter and as I said I'm new so sorry if it's not good but, you can message me suggestions if you want-Chloe

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