just bowling alley things

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Phil's pov:
I wake up to my alarm and look to see what time it is "5:30 SHIT I WAS SUPPOSED TO WAKE UP AT 4 HOW DID I DO THIS AGAIN " I start to get up and get changed as fast as possible and bolt out the front door racing down the street to see the repair truck already waiting I proceeded to apologize for being late almost a million times and the guy just waved it off and started walking into the bolling ally and went straight to the back to fix some of the lanes that are malfunctioning , I went in and began restocking the gift counter and started up the machines in the arcade I sent a text to techno and told him to get his brothers up and ready because we have a long day ahead since someone rented the whole bolling ally out for a birthday party , i got a reply almost instantly saying that the boys were just waking up and that they'd be there In 20 minutes, I waited ,I decided to call my buddy schlatt to see if he could bring over some people to help out today , it took him about 5 minutes to reply and he stated that he has 5 people that can come help and that they'd be there in 20 or so minutes ,after 30 minutes passed the repair guy left and everyone showed up, the boy's simply started apologizing under their breath as the started their shift and schlatt introduced me to who was gonna be helping out " ok so phil this is tubbo and his 'platonic boyfriend' ranboo ,you already knew them obviously , this is quackity you already knew him, this is Sam, and last but not least this is foolish, these five will be helping out today, do you need me to help out as well" "I'll give you a text if I need you to come and help just incase it gets to overwhelming ""ok well I better go " and with that he was gone like always, I turned to the five and immediately put them to work .
after what felt like centuries we finally were finished with decorating the party room and finally opened the bolling ally, we waited patiently for the family to arrive and after waiting 7 hours the family finally arrived and ushered into the bolling ally and made their way towards me at the counter, a lady with dark brown hair began to speak "hi um is everything ready for the birthday party "I gave her a big smile "yes we set up everything that you gave us the other day if there is any extra stuff you need us to put up we're be more then happy to set it up" she simply shook her head and gave me a really big smile and said that everything should of been in the box she gave us the other day I nodded and showed her the party room and she nearly exploded with happiness and hugged me thanking me and saying that everything was perfect , after I showed her the party room she asked if it would be ok if I put the birthday cake In the fridge I nodded and brought the cake to the back and caught the conversation between my sons "come on will think about it if we sell then we would be able to buy that house by the lake for dad you know he's always wanted that house especially after the accident" "Tommy does have a point will, if we sell then maybe dad could actually have a normal life " "no we can't sell, this place means to much to dad, and techno I thought you'd have my back with this" I simply walked past them and put the cake into the fridge and they went quite I went to go back to the counter but was stopped by all three boys"dad wait please let us explain-" "hm explain what?" They simply looked confused "dad what do you mean explain what we want to expla-" "explain what you want us to do today again we forget " I looked at them with my normal expression and sighed " how did you guys forgot already come on mate I've explained it a million times " I gave them a frustrated expression and began to re-explan what they were supposed to be doing, after they left to go and actually do there job I went to my office and sat in my chair trying to figure out why the hell they wanted to sell , all so I could have some house by the lake,after a couple minutes tubbo had walked in without knocking "um mr.minecraft I was wondering what are we supposed to do when all of the guests arrive early oh um did I walk in on something I'm so sorry-" " tubbo it's fine I'm just trying to figure out how I'll pay all of you that's all ""oh well schlatt said we weren't gonna be paid and said that it was a favor for a friend that we come and help" " he said what!?....how much do you think would be a reasonable amount to pay you all" " oh um I'd say 20 bucks " "REALLY-um I mean really only 20 are you sure there's gonna be a lot of work for you guys" " mhm I'm sure " " ok um I guess that works " tubbo then left and I was still in shock that he'd say 20 bucks knowing tubbo he'd say 200 hundred before he landed on 20 what the hell is happening

Time skip

"Daddddddddd" "yes Tommy " "lane 9 is out againnnnn" fucking hell again "ok I'll send techn-" " hi" "ahhh-what the fuck-oh hi ranboo" " I can help with lane 9" "what?" "I can help fix lane 9" " um okkk go back with techno " "ok phil
.....TECHNO-" "AYYY QUIET DOWN " "sorry phil" the half and half boy left with techno to the back to fix the out of order lane, I turn to see the same brown haired woman from earlier stood right in front on me well she was waiting patiently at the counter but still" oh hi ma'am how can I help you " " um I was wondering would you guys be able to sing happy birthday to my niece " " of course we'll be in the party room after everyone has gone in " " fantastic thank you so much" " no problem it's our pleasure to do this" she simply smiled and giggled as she walked away after 20 or so minutes everyone was In the party room and me ,wilbur,Tommy, tubbo ,Sam, quackity, foolish, ranboo ,and techno started bringing in the cake while singing happy birthday and the little girl we were singing to simply looked mortified , as we put the cake in front of her I started to light the candles and oh jesus christ this poor little girl looked as if she was gonna cry any minute the lady from before walked over to the girl and helped calm her down before she started to cry and the girl calmed down enough to blow out her candles and then began to cry the lady simply hugged the girl and comforted her as she cried we left the room After that and after many more hours we finally were done with this party and the lady before had thanked us for all that we did and apologized for the little girl who was clung onto her as if she was super glued to her the girl looked at me and I nealt down until i was at her level " hey kiddo I know it was probably scary to have all of us in there but just know that whenever you decide to come back that you'll have the whole day free and can play any of the games for free........y'know what how about you pick something out from the prize area, anything you want just tell me and I'll get it" she simply nodded and practically dragged the lady with her to the counter she looked through all the stuff but finally motioned for me to come near her again and spoke " can I have the minecraft axolotl the pink one" a huge smile spread across my face and i nodded and grabbed the plushie " this is a good one make sure to take good care of them" she nodded with the biggest smile ever " THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH ILL TAKE SUCH GOOD CARE OF HIM" she squealed and hugged the plushie and then asked the lady something and the lady nodded " she wants to know if she can give you a hug and know your name" " oh of course " the girl came around the counter and gave me a big hug ,when she went back to the lady she asked my name " my name is philza minecraft but you can just call me phil or philza" " thank you philza " I nodded " so what are you gonna name him" " hmm....oh i know ill name him phil like you " she had a massive smile and i smilled and waved goodbye to them as her and the lady left, eventually I paid everyone who helped and we all left , when I got back home with the boys I almost immediately passed out on my bed the boys had come up to my room and decided that they were gonna sleep in my room that night i didn't mind instead I opened my blankets for the boys to come lay down with me and they all climbed in and then passed out I snapped a couple pictures and then passed out as well.

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