male Karen's are a pain

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3rd person pov:

Phil woke up to see all three of his sons sleeping in his room ,Tommy passed out right beside him, techno hanging off the bed half way as Wilbur makes sure he doesn't fall by sleeping right on top of him and Tommy, phil simply smiled and took a couple pictures then carefully got up and got changed into his normal uniform for work then woke up the boys by lifting up the bed and rolling them off causing a loud thud to be heard and a lot of cursing coming from the boys , as the stood up and started complaining to phil about how he woke them up he just started to laugh and eventually the boys simply fliped him off earning a yell from Phil " HEY THAT'S NOT A NICE WAY TO SAY GOODBYE TO YOUR FATHER " " DAD DOSE IT SOUND LIKE WE CARE YOU LITERALLY ROLLED US OUT OF BED " " YEA HOW ELSE WOULD I HAVE WOKEN YOU UP" "OH I DON'T KNOW HOW ABOUT NUDGING US AWAKE INSTEAD OF FUCKING ROLLING US OUT OF BED ONTO EACH OTHER ONTO THE COLD WOOD FLOOR!!!!" Techno simply began to laugh as his brothers yelled back and forth with their dad eventually earning a glare from all three then having to deal with them teaming up on him"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU LAUGHING AT" "oh shit" "YEA WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING AT HUH" "HONESTLY MATE I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S SO FUNNY CARE TO EXPLAIN " the three of them just staring him down and eventually techno breaks and proceeds to laugh even more whilst explaining how stupid they look then started walking to his room to get changed only to realize that he didn't change out of his uniform last night and simply shrugged and put on some deodorant and spray deodorant to cover the smell of sweat on his clothes the other two boys doing the same and following phil to his car and headed to work only to enter the building to see that the arcade had another flood and would need to be closed for the next week for repairs, nut phil said that the can have the arcade open so the four of them simply began to restock the prize counter and other things that needed to be restocked,  Tommy had to be on cash register duty as the other three tried to fix one of the machines in the arcade only to be left angered and annoyed they stopped as they saw Tommy talking to two boys at the main counter when the stepped closure to hear what they were talking about they were surprised to see that Tommy was handling two Male Karen's perfectly and not getting angered or annoyed too fast, "honestly Idk why we decided to come here it used to be fun but I guess since your arcade is trashed there won't be anyone coming in that much huh" "I understand that you two must be devastated that the arcade is currently out of order but if you would like I can give you a coupon for free bolling and food Friday's if you would like " "is that the best you can do blondie " "I can notify you when the arcade is back in working order again if you would like" these boys were surprised that Tommy wasn't breaking and decided that they'd have to try another time and left with the coupon ,Tommy let out a sigh of relief when they finally left and laid back on his chair........"RAWWWWWW" "AHHHHHHHHH-TECHNO WHAT THE FUCK COME ON MAN THATS NOT FUNNY!!!!!!!" "Oh come on it was a little funny "

" IT WAS NOT FUCKIN FUNNY" "oh it was very funny at least for me "  " oh haha very funny , you do relise your litterly a pig in a crown , now that is funny" " TOMMY STOP TEASING YOUR BROTHER-THAT GO'S FOR YOU TO TECHNO!!"
techno just scuffed and soon got back to work

#time skip because im lazy#

all the four got into phils car to go back home
" dadddddddd" " yes wil" " can we get food pleaseeeee" " hey whats wrong with my cooking"  " no offence techno but all you make is things with potatos and carrots and it's getting bland " " hey my food is not bland-dad is my food bland"
phil had zoned out as the two were talking so hearing his name being called he zoned back in not knowing what was happing "huh what's happing i zoned out" "YOU WHAT?!?!?!?" " i zoned out of your conversation and was just talking with tommy , also im making dinner tonight so no we are not getting food on the way home now stop fighting please "

#another time skip because im lazy#

the three boys rshed into one room upstaurs and started playing video games while phil worked on dinner , he finished  the prep for meatballs and put the in the oven and started on the pata then he herad yelling from the boys

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