Chapter 1

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Stiles'/Mischief's pov

Mischief woke up to the noise of his alarm. The day he had been dreading had finally come. He couldn't believe it had been 157 years since Damon had died. When he had died Mischief had managed to bring him back to life (with his magic which somehow he managed to keep when his mother turned him into a vampire) but he was different he had no memories of his life before. Instead they were replaced with fake memories. He thought he was born in 1839 instead of in the year 982. He thought he was turned by the doppelganger Katerina Petrova instead of him. He couldn't deal with watching Damon not know who he was. So they left. (They being his best friend Kira who he had known since he was born who was also married to his twin sister Rebekah and have two kids named Caroline and Alex. Kira was a kitsune she stopped ageing at the age of 17. And his adopted daughters Allison and Cora. They used to be one of his friends kids but they died on the day they were born so Damon and Mischief took them in). Found a town called Beacon Hills and decided to move there. His siblings knew where he was and visited every now and then.

He hadn't realised he had been daydreaming until Noah came in to make sure he was getting ready for school. 15 years ago Noah had helped him out when he was being attacked by a pack of rouge wolves. He wouldn't have died but still it was nice to know someone in this town cared about him that wasn't his family. He decided he would pay him back by changing himself into a baby because Noah and his wife Claudia (who was a witch) couldn't have children. He would still need blood but Noah agreed to "borrow" some blood whenever he needed it. 

"You don't have to go to school today" Noah said through the door.

"I know but I need the pack to think that I am just skinny defenceless Stiles." I replied

"You know they are going to find out who you are eventually." Noah said

 "I know i'm just not ready yet." I said mainly to myself.

I got up had a shower and got dressed. I got a blood bag out of my mini-fridge which was hidden in the back of my wardrobe. I still felt horrible but it's time to put my mask back up. I said goodbye to Noah and went outside to Roscoe my jeep. On a day like today I would much rather walk but it's too far for Stiles Stilinski to so I have to drive.

I arrive at school and the pack is waiting for me. Time to pretend i'm okay. I get out of the jeep and walk over to them. Everyone was there except Kira. Knowing her she was either trying to find a way to cheer me up or talking to Rebekah, Caroline and Alex. When I walked over to the pack they looked up and said hi. Kira walked over and gave me a knowing look. I knew she had done something but I also knew her well enough that she wasn't going to tell me what. The bell rang and we all went to our first lesson.

My first lesson was economics with coach. I've always liked coach. When I walked in he looked excited like he actually wanted to be here for once. Once everyone sat down he started talking. About a student exchange program we were having with a different school. We would spend 2 weeks there and then they would spend 2 weeks here. He hadn't said where we were going yet but I had a feeling I wasn't going to like it. Then coach said something I was dreading.

"We are going to....Mystic Falls."

I could feel Kira looking at me. I turned around and she had a worried look on her face. She knew I wouldn't want to go but she also knew the pack would pretty much force me to go. This was the worse day possible to be told we were going there. The bell rang and now we had history with Mr Smith the rest of the pack had economics now so they would find out about the exchange program. History is so boring when you know everything. Me and Kira usually just pass notes. As we were walking to our next lesson Kira kept asking me if I was okay. I kept saying I was but we both knew that was a lie. In history we were learning about the world wars. Most of us knew about it so I wasn't sure why we had to learn about it again.

By the time history was over it felt like it had been going on forever. Me and Kira went over to the packs table. Allison and Cora were the only people at the table. When they saw us they got up and both started talking at the same time. 

"If you want me to answer your questions you might want to let me talk." I said

"Sorry" Cora said.

"Are you going to go to Mystic then?" Allison asked.

"I probably have to" I said back.

"I'm going to go so I can see Caroline, Bex and Alex again." Kira said.

"I want to see my dads again so i'm definitely going to go" Liam said.

"If Liam is going i'm going and it would be nice to see Klaus and Stefan again." Theo replied.

"It would be nice to see Stefan and Caroline again even if it means I have to see Damon ." I said. "It might even be nice to see him again" I said mainly to myself.

I could hear the pack coming from round the corner so we stopped talking about the exchange program until someone else bought it up. When they came to the table they were all talking about it and how excited they were to go. 

"Are you going to go on the trip?" Scott asked us.

"I'm not sure yet." I said back.

"If we are all going then you have to too." Malia said.

"Fine I will try and persuade my dad to let me go." I said.

"Are you sure about this." Kira asked through our mind link. I just nodded back at her.

"Good" Scott said.

"Yeah good" I mumbled

After that the day went by really fast. Before I knew it was the end of the day.

A/N Hope you liked it. 

Mischeif MikaelsonWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt