Chapter 17

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― Chapter 17 ―

~ The Next Day ~

Aria’s POV

I let out a refreshed sigh as I slowly opened my eyes.  My hand was still interlocked with Niall’s, resting on his chest.  He was still sound asleep.  I smiled as I watched him.  His lips were parted just a tiny bit, his head was turned a little to the side, he looked so peaceful, so innocent.

I propped myself up on my forearm, hovering slightly above him.  I slowly slipped my other hand out of his, trying hard not to wake Niall up.  I held myself up with my now free hand and lightly ran my fingers through Niall’s hair with the other hand.  I smiled as I continued to gently play with his hair while admiring his sleeping form.  He was beautiful, even with his slightly bruised eye, he still looked stunning to me.

“Is he awake?”  I jumped a bit as I turned to see Harry standing behind the couch, peering over.  His voice was very quiet but it still startled me.

“No..I didn’t want to wake him.  I figured it would be best for him if I let him sleep ‘cause one he wakes up he’s not gonna want to rest.”  I whispered, looking back to Niall and lightly running my fingers through his hair again.

“Yeah, you’re right.”  Harry chuckled.

I felt Harry’s eyes on me and Niall as I continued to tousle his hair.  He still laid there peacefully.

“You know, it’s not your fault what happened to me and Niall.  Street fighters don’t care they’ll pick fights with anyone, you were just a prize better than money.”

I turned to face Harry again.  “You heard us last night, huh?”

He shrugged.  “I heard a little, the other boys probably heard some of it too.”

“Great.”  I said sarcastically.  “I should get changed.”  I searched for a way to get off the couch without having to climb over Niall.  There’s no way I’d be able to climb over him without waking him up.

“Do you need help getting out of there?”  Harry smirked.

“  I think I got it.”  I carefully lifted myself onto the back of the couch, swinging my legs around to the back.  Harry held out a hand to help me down.

“Thank you.”  I gave him a smile before heading off to Niall’s room to find myself some clean clothes.  I waved at Liam and Zayn as I passed them coming out of their rooms.

Niall’s POV

“Uhnn..”  I slowly opened my eyes.

“Hey, you’re awake.”  Liam came into my view, a warm smile on his face.

“How do you feel?”  Zayn appeared beside Liam. 

I rubbed my eyes.  My head didn’t throb much anymore but my abdomen still hurt.  I closed my eyes and just laid there trying not to move too much.

“Alright.”  I answered without opening my eyes to see their expressions.  They’d probably know I was still in a bit of pain.

“Did you sleep well?”  I heard Liam ask. 

“Yeah, that medicine hit me pretty quick.”  My eyes shot open as I remembered last night.

“Where’s Aria?!”  I sprung up off the couch ignoring the pain aching in my side and stomach.  She wasn’t with me when I woke up but she was with me before I fell asleep.  I could feel my heart start to thump loudly in my chest.

“Niall, calm down-”

“Don’t tell me to calm down Harry!  Tell me where she is!”  She wouldn’t leave me, would she?  She told me she wouldn’t, she wouldn’t lie to me.  My head started to feel light from the overwhelming thoughts.  Liam, Zayn, and Harry were surrounding me trying to calm me down but I wasn’t hearing a thing they said, I was just in a panic.

Save You Tonight - A Niall Horan (One Direction) Fan FicWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt