Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Aria’s POV

Well Niall was right, the other boys, Eleanor, and Danielle were talking about our kiss and joking around about it the whole ride back to the hotel.  We did manage to get them to talk somewhat about what they all did at the fair.  Eleanor apparently beat Louis at quite a few of the games, he claimed that he let her win.  Liam and Danielle had apparently gone on the ferris wheel sometime before Niall and I did.  They also played some of the games like Louis and Eleanor had done and out of all the games they played, Danielle beat Liam by one.  To my surprise, they were a little competitive with each other as well.  Zayn and Harry went on the ferris wheel with Liam and Danielle, then went into the fun house.  Niall was a little upset that he couldn’t go into the fun house, he said that we’d go in it next time.  I kind of hoped that ‘next time’ wasn’t anytime soon, I haven’t been in one since my awful experience with my friends.

We didn’t have much time to hang around the hotel we had to quickly pack our stuff and head to the airport.  Eleanor and Danielle were not coming with us, they said they’d come on tour with the boys whenever they could but right now they had to stay for their jobs.  It was sad to have to say goodbye to them but we exchanged numbers and they told me to feel free to text them anytime.

Our next stop was Paris, France.  The boys had one concert in Paris, one in Ireland, then they would get two months of vacation time, aside from interviews.  They also get a few days in between concert dates to do what they want.

“Oh my God!  That was hilarious!”  Said Louis as we entered our hotel room in Paris.  Harry gave him an “Are You Kidding Me?” look as he rubbed his arm.  When we arrived Harry and Louis decided to pretend to be French in front of a random woman on the street.  Louis talked in a false French accent on purpose, Harry was trying to be nice for the most part but whatever he said to the woman in French was apparently not appropriate considering the woman slapped him hard with her purse.  Louis ran away before she could hit him too.

It was around 7:00 p.m. and Niall had said he was hungry, I was kinda hungry too and so were the rest of the boys, but they didn’t want to order room service so Louis and Harry offered to go to a nearby McDonald’s to get food.

“Anyone want to come with us?  We could use the extra hands.”  Louis spoke.

“I’ll come.  If you want?”  I said.  Louis and Harry smiled and motioned for me to follow them.  This would also give me the chance to call Eleanor or Danielle and ask them what they think I should wear for my date with Niall.  I waved to Liam and Zayn and gave Niall a quick goodbye hug before leaving with the other two.

“Now Harry, watch what you say to the French women here.”  Louis burst out laughing at his joke.  Harry gave him a light shove.

Niall’s POV

I was still in awe about the kiss.  It was definitely something I would never regret doing.  The way I kinda jumped at her though, I’m happy she didn’t slap me or something.  But wow.  I had a girlfriend before Aria, things ended badly, I was the one who ended up hurt, but the feelings with Aria were different.  I knew that I could trust her and when I kissed her, words just can’t describe how amazing it felt, my head even felt a bit light which hasn’t happened to me before, it felt like a zillion butterflies floating around in my stomach, but in a good way.

“Niall, are you okay?”  I looked up to see Liam in front of me looking a little worried.  Zayn was also watching me.

“Oh yeah.  I’m fine, it’s just…”  I glanced at the ground and looked back up at him with a grin on my face.  “I kissed her.”

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