Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

Liam’s POV

“Hey, Did you find anything?”  I asked Niall and Zayn as they entered through the door.  Niall hurried off towards his room.  I couldn’t believe him.  The only thing he cared about was Olivia, he didn’t seem to care that Harry and Aria were missing at all.

“Not really but uh…I need to tell you guys something.”  Zayn said nervously as his eyes gave a quick look in Niall’s direction as he left.

Louis and I sat up and gave him our full attention.  Suddenly there was a loud noise coming from Niall’s room, it sounded like something falling off the wall or something hitting the wall.

The three of us exchanged quick glances before getting up and rushing to see what happened.

“Niall!  What are you doing?!”  I shouted.

Niall had Olivia pinned against the wall with her wrists held firmly at her sides, his eyes were filled with rage.

“Tell me where she is!”  Niall scolded her.

“Niall, please.  You’re hurting me.”  She whimpered.

“Don’t fucking play innocent with me!  I remember everything!  I know you’re responsible for Harry and Aria’s disappearance!  Tell me where the fuck they are!  NOW!” 

I had never seen Niall so angry before.  All I could do was stand there and watch with stunned eyes.

“Niall, you remember?!”  Louis asked.

Niall turned his head to look at us, still keeping Olivia pinned to the wall.  “I found Aria’s necklace under a scrap of paper in the alleyway; it must have fallen off her which means someone probably kidnapped her and probably Harry too.”

He turned back to Olivia.  “I also remember everything from waking up after the car accident to now.  Aria was right about you all along.  You’re already in a lot of shit and if you hurt her any more than you already have, you best hope I don’t see you after I find her.  Now fucking tell me where they are, so we can send you to jail or an asylum where you belong!”

Louis, Zayn, and I just stood there with wide eyes.  One thing was for sure, Niall was back and he was very determined to find Aria and Harry now.  As glad as I was, his anger was a little unnerving.

Olivia seemed very frightened by his tone as well.  However, if she really was responsible for Harry and Aria’s disappearance, Niall would definitely make her talk.  I just hoped he wouldn’t let his anger cause him to do something he’ll regret.

Aria’s POV

I slowly opened my eyes as my mind re-processed the previous events that brought me here.

“Hey baby, you had me a little worried there.  You just passed out on me.”  Julius spoke in a soft tone.

I narrowed my eyes at him.  “Maybe it has something to do with the fact that my sides are bleeding out and these ropes you tied on my wrists are probably cutting off my circulation.”

“The cards are in your hands, baby.”  He brushed my cheek again.  “It’s your choice what happens to you, and to your little friend over there.  I know you don’t have the same feelings for me like you used to, but if you make the right choice, in time those feelings will return.  I’ll make sure of it.”  He smiled. 

I swallowed nervously as I saw the hint of something in his eyes and in his smile.  I couldn’t exactly tell what it was but it was definitely not sincerity.

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