Karaoke on a Friday Night (GFxBF)

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This one is something I wrote for an English assignment. Truth be told, FNF was the original inspiration behind it. BF's name in this one is Keith and GF's name is Marie. Enjoy!

"Keith, come on! It's not going to be that bad. We're just having dinner with my parents."

"Exactly! I've never met them before, and I'm already going to dinner with them."

"They're nice people! Dad's just a little...closed-minded... is all. It's nothing bad, though!" The brunette waved her arms as if to cross out her boyfriend's objections. "Look, I'll be there. He wouldn't cause a scene in front of me. Besides, mom's always been good at changing the subject."

Keith looked at his girlfriend, calculating how probable his demise was. If he wore a nice shirt, but not too nice of a shirt, and he combed his hair and stayed quiet and polite and—

"—Hello? Earth to Keith?" The girl's questioning brought him back to reality. "So, do you have an answer?"

Keith took a shallow breath, licking his lips and shifting his eyes.

"Sure Marie, why not?" he finally responded unenthusiastically.

"Yay! How does tomorrow at 6 sound?"

Tomorrow? So soon?

"Uh, sure."

"Great. I'll see you then, cutie." His girlfriend planted a kiss on his cheek and left Keith to process his thoughts with nothing more than a wink and a lipstick stain on his face.

When Keith came home, he got straight to work on his homework. College had been keeping him busy most of the week, but he figured if he got to work now, he'd be done in time for the dinner party. Soon, the sounds of keyboard clacking and the scent of caffeine flooded the room, sticking to the walls and pouring out of the window. He was slowly becoming the only person in his house that was still awake. He had to get his work done.

Keith woke up the next day groggy. As he stepped into the kitchen, his relatives all stopped their conversations to stare at him.

"There he is!" his mother piped up. "Did you sleep okay last night? It's almost lunchtime now."

Keith turned to the oven, reading '12:30 pm'.

"Oh, uh, I had a lot of homework."

"Well, come sit down and eat lunch. I made chicken wraps!"

Keith took his seat at the end of the table as his mother set down a plate.

"Oh! I forgot to mention! I'm going over to Marie's house later for dinner. I'm meeting her parents tonight."

"Ooh, my little boy's growing up!" Keith rolled his eyes playfully, smiling as his mom ruffled his hair. "Have fun, kiddo."


After lunch, Keith took a shower, put together his outfit for the dinner party, and wrapped up his homework. It was now 4 pm, and Keith figured he'd be able to sneak in a quick nap.

Keith woke up to his phone buzzing. Marie was calling.


"Where are you?"

Keith rolled over in bed to look at his clock. 6:15. Crap.

"Uh, I'll be there soon. I got stuck in traffic," Keith replied, trying not to make any noise that would indicate otherwise.

"Okay, get here soon."

"See you, bye."

The moment Keith hung up the phone, he got dressed and sprinted around the house, grabbing his keys while he finished buttoning up his shirt. Once he got in his car, he slammed on the gas, attempting to fix his hair while he drove. Once he got to Marie's house, he rang the doorbell, fixing his tie and desperately praying that her father wouldn't answer the door. A tall man opened the door.

"You're late," the man grunted, glaring at Keith.

"I'm sorry, sir. I got caught up in traffic."

"Hey! You're finally here! Come in!" Marie ran to the door, ushering her boyfriend to come inside. She grabbed Keith's hand and led him to the dining room. "Dinner's still warm. Come eat."

Keith was seated right next to Marie and across from her father. He sat up, tentatively shoveling peas and mashed potatoes onto his plate.

"So, what kind of music do you like?" Her father was cutting his steak, locking eyes with Keith.

"Uh, like hip hop and alternative and stuff."

"Like hip hop and alternative and stuff," Marie's father responded monotonically, passing not-so-silent judgment.

"Now, dear, everyone likes different types of music. No genre is better than the other." Marie's mother looked over at her husband, glaring.

"Right," he muttered, switching his glance back to his steak. Marie grabbed Keith's hand under the table, giving it a squeeze. The girl's father asked a few more questions during the dinner, and soon the meal ended. Keith looked to his girlfriend, then around the room, and she looked around to her parents.

"How about we do some karaoke?" Marie's mother finally suggested. Keith and Marie nodded in response, a tad desperate to kill the silence.

"We could even do teams!" Marie added, everyone else nodding along. While her dad went to the garage to get the karaoke machine, Marie put everyone's names into a randomizer app on her phone. It was fun until Keith was paired with Marie's father. He looked to his girlfriend for help, but she just rolled her eyes and waved her hand down. Keith's anxiety dwindled when Marie's father picked a song they both knew. Before they knew it, the two of them were singing passionately, pointing to each other, and harmonizing. When they finished singing, they plopped down on the couch next to each other.

"I like you, kid." Marie's dad turned his head to Keith, smiling and wrapping his arm around Keith. "Really, I mean it."

"Thank you, sir. That's really kind of you to say." Keith smiled back.

"You don't need to be so formal, kiddo. Just call me Luis."

"Um..." Keith looked over to his girlfriend, who was beaming from ear to ear. He shrugged.

"Well, okay then."

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