"Just relax for me, babe..." (Pico x BF)

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A/N: I know my next one-shot is taking a while to finish, here's something to snack on in the meantime ;)

"Just relax for me, babe."

Keith took Pico's hand nervously.

"It's my first time doing this. Kinda easier said than done."

"I know. You're doing amazing, honey. Take some deep breaths for me."


"There we go." Pico smiled reassuringly at Keith, rubbing Keith's hand with his thumb. "I know it's a little scary, but I know what I'm doing. I've done this plenty of times before. I promise you'll be ok."

"I trust you, Pico. I'm just nervous is all."

"If you wanna back out, that's perfectly fine. You don't have to do this if you're not comfortable, Keith. I don't wanna overstep your boundaries."

"N-no, I think I'm ready." Keith took another deep breath. "S-stick it in..."

Pico looked down at Keith, who was staring back up at him like a puppy at the vet; adorable, but obviously nervous. It almost made Pico refuse to carry on.

"If you say so, baby."

"Ah! It hurts, Pico..!"

"I know, honey. You're doing amazing. Just wait a little bit longer, ok? You'll get used to it being there soon, I promise."

Keith whimpered in response as Pico continued to murmur affirmations. After about a minute or two, Pico moved his hand to Keith's cheek, rubbing it while planting a kiss on his boyfriend's forehead.

"We're all done now." Pico handed Keith a hand mirror. "Enjoy your new piercing. Don't touch it for at least a day, alright? I'll teach you how to clean it later."

"This isn't my first piercing, you know."

"I thought you said this was your first time?"

"Well, I had my ears pierced a few years ago... I just meant this is the first time someone pierced me at home."

"Well, a nostril piercing is different from a lobe or cartilage piercing. It's even more important to keep them clean and even harder to do so. Plus, your ear piercings aren't there anymore."

"I knoow, they closed uup," Keith whined, causing Pico to ruffle his hair.

"I'll help you, babe. You're gonna wanna let this one fully heal, trust me."

"I guess you're right." Keith continued to admire the silver stud. "Thank you so much for doing this for me, honey. This looks great."

Pico chuckled and kissed Keith's cheek.

"Anything for you, toots."

...What, did you think this would be raunchy?

FNF OneShots (Mostly Pico x BF)Where stories live. Discover now