♥< "Oh, okay" (Pico x BF) >♥

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Apologies for the wait, college has been kicking my ass. Enjoy~


As Pico approached the train station, his eyes scanned desperately for any spec of cyan in the crowd of people; that's how he'd find the blue-haired boy that could still stand to talk to him. He could remember the first time he met BF well:

"Hi!" Pico's thoughts were interrupted by a high-pitched voice. He looked up to see a face covered in blue hair and a grin Pico would've called stupid.


"Can I sit with you?" The little boy was holding his lunch box tightly.

"Um, okay..."

"My name's BF." He plopped down next to Pico, still wearing that stupid grin.

"BF? What does that stand for, boyfriend?"

"Nooo!" BF pouted, making Pico chuckle. "My mommy says it stands for"

"Calm down, dude. I'm joking."

"Oh! Okay."


"Hey, Pico? I have a question for you." BF took his seat next to Pico, looking nervous.


"Heheh...speaking of 'shoot'... The Ghettobots told me you shot up our elementary school about a year before I showed up."

Pico felt his blood run cold.

"Oh... I'm surprised you didn't find out until middle school, heheh...not quite, BF. There was this girl Cassandra who started it." Pico's voice began quivering. "She...she just got up in the middle of class and started yelling...something about the American education system being bullshit? A-and apparently she only spared me because of a crush on me or something? I found a gun in the janitor's closet but I only shot her, I promise! She just wouldn't listen no matter how much I told her to stop. Please, BF, I know it sounds outlandish but"

BF took Pico's hand, rubbing his thumb on the back of it. "I believe you, Pico. After all, you're so nice to everyone, even if they're not nice back..." BF's face suddenly contorted.

"Is...Is this why people are so mean to you?"

Pico nodded, sniffling. He didn't realize how much he was shaking until BF took his hand.

"Well, I don't care what anyone else says! You're my best friend and I'm sticking by your side."

"W-what about all the bullying you're gonna get?"

"As long as I got you, it can't bug me." BF continued to rub circles on the back of Pico's hand.



"Pico, you've been acting off all day. Please tell me what's wrong."

"N-no...!" Pico held his arms to his chest, his head down in shame.

"No? Why not?"

"I'll just scare you off if I tell you." BF sighed.

"Pico..." BF wrapped his arm around Pico's shoulder. "I promised to stick by your side and here we are, freshly graduated from high school! Nothing could make me change that."

FNF OneShots (Mostly Pico x BF)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu