The Bet

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"So... Annabeth? Don't laugh, but I'm thinking about running for president!" Percy attempted to say casually although it wasn't even close. You could hear his nervousness in his voice. Annabeth burst out laughing. (So much for not laughing)

Then she sawPercy's serious face and questioned, "Oh, you're serious?"

He nodded sternly.

"I think I'd be an awesomer president then the old one!" He exclaimed in my defense.

Annabeth snapped her hands in a Z formation right in his face. "First of all Percy: Awesomer isn't a word, you have to say 'more awesome' or 'better'!"

Percy rolled my eyes.

She continued "And second: You'd make a great president!" she said, the sarcasm evident in her voice.

"You wanna bet 800 dramachas?!"


They shook on it.


President of The USA (Percy Jackson)Where stories live. Discover now