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Chapter 6

David is dressed up with a suit as he visited Alex and Amir's dorm to submit what he came up with the previous rough sketch. "Right-on man," said Alex. He is well pleased with David's design and so is Amir.

"It looks like a star too," said Amir and thought: He did finish it. Not bad.

They have within sight the blueprint that David design for them, and it is an underwater city colony.

"Yeah... right on, right-on," Alex smiles.

David didn't expect them to like the design so much because he only works on the plan in one day. Wishing of putting more time to it, and perhaps two days would make up the gratitude, but it was time to leave for Michigan, "Hey anytime guys," he said.

"Here is your hundred bucks star man, you know where to find us," Alex said and handed the money to David.

David satisfied with the payment, stretches the hundred bucks bill, slightly yank it on both ends; like free money and placed the bill in his pocket.

Alex lifts the draft. "Amazing, I never expect them to be in one piece." He then shakes David's hand. "Great job my man," he said like heavy bricks just got off his shoulder.

David turns to Amir and shakes hands with him. "Starman," Amir said.

"We're good from here for now, bud," Alex said. "You have fun back in Michigan... I heard you and Nate are going duck hunting this Spring break. I didn't know for a while your roommate is the librarian."

"Yeah, he told me. Your research on ships... his over there part time, he looks at it as getting paid reading history books."

"Your roommate sure knows a lot about history man."

"That guy wants to be a history teacher. He's into old ships. What about you guys. What are you gonna do for Spring?"

"Same o thang, work on the comic series. You know, Amir's black panther party ya dig—the usual."

"Wanna join the club?" Amir asks while he smokes a cannabis joint that just freshly lit, and then pass it on to David.

David raises his hand to refuse the offer. "I'm good man, but thank you. Well, see you guys later." Second-hand smoke, I hope I'm not stoned.

Amir smirks and handed his cannabis joint to Alex as David walks towards the main door. Alex took the joint and smokes it, then points his finger like a pistol at David while Amir opens the door. "You know where to find us when you get back Union Boy..." he said exhaling the marijuana smoke, "you are in my comic book club now."

David smiles and gives a peace sign. "I'll be back then," he said, and he walks away from his new business partner's dorm.

Nathan with a Sunday church suit alike like David is already waiting by the school's curb next to a taxi. And David looks happy as he jogs approaching Nathan. "Did they give you some pocket money?" Nathan asks.

"They just hired me with a Benjamin down payment," David replies.

"Smells like weed too... well, it is a comic book, just hope it's not just one series. And I hope my dad won't do an exorcism on you..." Nathan said jokingly.

"It's series,' David lifts his both arms and sniffs his clothes. "It's not that bad, is it? Should I go back and change?" he said.

"Don't worry man; you'll live... we gotta go."

The two college friends enter the waiting taxi paid by Nathan to head toward San Francisco Airport and to Michigan; by the time they get to Michigan, it'll be a church on that same Sunday morning. The taxi cab driver looks in his rearview mirror and thought they could be young businessmen who just got off college. "Hey, fellas. Where you guys are heading too," the cab driver asked.

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