Chapter Three: The Team

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3 days later

Zac- "cove you have to pick up the pace"

Cove- "I have Asthma Zachary."

Zac-" No you don't. You just can't read."

Cove-" It's called being dyslexic and I'm talking about not being able to breathe not read...Maybe you're the dyslexic on." I laugh hysterically my stomach hurts.

Zac-" Oh very funny, at least I can walk 2 feet and not be out of breath."

Cove-" Whatever Zac, *Gasp* ZACHARY! LOOK!!" I found them the person we've been looking for. Jacob Johnson knew my dad way back. He's a 20-year-old American hacker, who help my dad with countless hacking jobs. More importantly .. he owes me.

Jacob J- "Well look who it is. I heard you were looking for me Covy" Yeah.. this is where the problem starts and never ends, remember how I said that Zac was the only person who called me "Covy" well Jacob J called me that too and I never corrected him like I did Zac because he owed me and I needed to not poke the bear.

Zac- "Covy? Huh."

Cove- "Shh, I'll explain later Zac."

Cove- " Jakey! How are you I haven't seen you since before mom died."

Zac in the background; he whispers - "Jakey? Ew'

Jake- "Yeah I've been around and about on the sidelines you know."

Zac- "No we don't know because whatever you just said makes absolutely no sense."

Jake looks at Zac annoyed.

Jake-" I've just been doing my own thing after I left the group-"

Zac-"Group?" He said that shocked like he never knew that, that's what Jake always called the mafia.

Jake-"Yes Zac, group. When I left the group I just decided that I was going to be who I wanted to be, and I'm really glad that you gu- you're here cove."

Cove- "yeah, I am here. But I'm not here to talk about why you left. I have a business to attend to and I would like to get on that." * a long pause* "Please."

My whole attitude changed. Mainly because I saw that Zac was getting fidgety.

"Sorry, I don't mean to get aggravated. I just have places to be."

Jake- "So why did you come and see me? And I know it isn't because I'm a swiftie."

Zac- rolling his eyes "most certainly is not." fake smiles.

Cove- looks at Zac then cuts eyes to Jake "Anyways, I came here to see if you had that team ready?"

Zac- "what team? And why is this the first time that I am hearing anything about this? You never said anything about a team Covelyn!"

Jake- " I guess you two are so 'Peas in a pod' as I thought you were."

Cove- "Jake, can I talk to Zac. Privately."

Jake- "anything for you cove."

Jake walks away, and Cove and Zac start to talk alone.

Zac- " So this is what we do now? We go behind each other's backs to strangers, no ENEMIES of the 'group' and we ask them for help?"

Cove- " Oh my god! You are being so dramatic. 1. I didn't go behind your back, because up until we left the mafia I didn't know I could trust you. 2. I had to make sure that I was getting people who don't know my past or my present. Any more questions?"

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