Chapter 4: The Truth Spills

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As cove and Jack made it back to the team, an alarm went off. Jacob and the rest of the team start to run towards the entrance windows to see what was going on. Loud noises were coming from outside. Cove was scared and was standing still in the middle of the lobby looking for Zac, people were bumping into her and shoving her to the side trying to see what was happening but cove wasn't worried that she needed Zac.

Cove- "Zac?" She pauses and looks around still trying to lay eyes on him. "ZAC!" she starts to panic and her breathing gets heavy, she starts to have a panic attack. "ZAC! Where are you"

Zac- "Hey, are you okay? What do you need?"

Cove hits Zac- "Don't do that, where did you go?"

Zac-"Chill would you? I was looking for you and Jack. Last I heard y'all were talking in the cafe."

Cove takes a deep breath- "oh, well still. Damn near gave me a heart attack."

Cove and Zac walk towards the window where everyone is looking and see a Mafia truck parked alongside the gravel road.

Zac- whispers to cove "How the hell did they find us?"

Cove- "I don't know, we were careful."

Josh- "How the hell did who find you?"

Cove- "uh, no one. Give me a minute Zac I'll fix this."

Cove starts to open the front door

Kai- "Cove! What the hell are you doing."

Cove- "Woah, language!"

Kai- "I'm serious, what are you doing?"

Cove- "Trust me."

Kai- "Trust you?"

Cove- "Yeah, That's what we as a team are supposed to do right? Trust each other? Or does that only apply to me?"

Kai- "No, I trust you but what if they kill you."

Cove- "They won't."

Cove opens the door and starts to walk towards the security guard blocking the front of the truck.

Kai- "That's some girl you Brought here Zac."

Zac- *Chuckles* "I didn't bring her here, he did." He points to Jacob.

Jake just smiles

Kai- "OH! I see. Zac is in love with Cove and doesn't know how to tell her, and so is Jake."

Jake- "I'm not in love with her. We just go way back."

Zac- "way back? Like how far?"

Jake- "I don't know."

Zac- "Ballpark."

Jake- "Couple years, like maybe 3. Why?"

Kai- "Because he's known cove all her life and she never told him about you."

Jake- "oh, so you're jealous."

Zac- " I don't get jealous, who she talks to is her business. It just gets me wondering how long she's been planning on leaving."

Jake- "well, based on what she told me. She was wanting to leave way before her mom died."

Zac- "way before?"

Jake- "yeah like the moment she stepped into the states she said."

Zac- *Scoffs*

The Mafia truck starts to leave and Cove comes back inside.

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