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Surely, you must not be surprised to note that you are no longer in contact with your middle school friends, and it's totally normal. You're neither the first one who lost a friend nor the last one. As you grow up, you don't find it crazy that everything leaves. The sad truth is friends leave. This is one of the other sad stories that will make you cry about best friends.

I don't know if you see this heart-touching or not, but here :

I had a friend in middle school. I and she sat next to each other for two years and yes, we became best friends. We were in the same group for the last 2 years. Anyhow, the thing is we actually knew each other and even used to complete each other's sentences. We could figure out what was on other's mind or if something was troubling her.

When we were in our final year, she told me she was seeing some guy she liked. She also told that he sometimes hinted at getting physical. but then, he started blackmailing her and she got really scared. A classmate of mine who actually liked her for many years, helped her (A LOT). She was scared of telling this to her parents. She was a pessimist actually and sometimes talked of committing suicide, and my classmate, well he talked and consoled her till four or five.
She, yes, fell for him and he was very happy. She kept on always thanking me for having me as her friend.
By the time we finished our schooling, they separated. I never asked them any question about all this though both of them were good friends of mine.
A year later, she blocked me. I found out through my friends that she was with the same guy because of who she had once thought of committing suicide. Also, I found that she never considered me a friend and always saw me as a competitor, that's it. And what she thought and talked about me behind my back, something even more depressing.

I believe she kept count as to the times I helped her and the times she did. This fact was very heartbreaking,
After spending four years with someone. I tell people, I couldn't care less about that person.

You answer, "Friends are not meant to step over each other, are they?"
While I am writing the truth, another year has passed by and I still find it difficult to trust people every time someone says, 'Hey, we are friends.'

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