Never Giving Up, Even After A Heart Attack

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“Our love story is all about chances. It started 7 years ago. We had just broken up with our partners and met through a common friend."
On the first date itself, they talked about everything. Surprisingly, after 15 days, he broke up with her. He felt like she was way too good for him, however, she wasn’t ready to give up.

After spending a lot of time together in road trips and at home, the feelings were mutual. In 2014, he had a heart attack and was pronounced dead in the hospital. As she prayed, they tried to revive him.

"I still count my lucky stars that they were able to get him back to me! I stayed with him through recovery and he says it made him fall in love with me all over again."

However, after recovery, he started focusing more on work and it took a toll on the relationship. She lost faith and took a solo trip to Europe. This time she decided to break up with him and he convinced her not to give up on the relationship.

"He asked for one more chance and I gave it to him! Now 7 years later–we’re happily married. It was about the chances that we gave each other. Everyone either says ‘give it a second chance’ or ‘third time’s a charm’ but for us, it’s not about the number of shots you get–it’s about how badly you want to make it work."

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