Wednesday, 15th October

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After Zenitsu and I finished washing the dishes, we told everyone tp leave the game and let us play, just the 2 of us. We completed the game in about.. 25 minutes, I could actually speed run this game. "See Inosuke, now give me my ¥5" Zenitsu said. They made a bet that if we don't beat the game in under 30mins, Zenitsu would pay him $5, and vice versa. Well.. I should've made the bet too, honestly. "Tanjiro, will you go back to the army?" Kanao asked. "Well.. probably not, I'll call Tomioka to inform his about it" I said as I pulled my phone out. I ringed his number. "Not now Tanjiro, I'm on the battlefield" He said. "WHAT" I accidently shouted. "Just kidding, what is it?" He asked. "Oh, well, I don't wanna do the entrance exam anymore.." I responded. "Oh, well talk to the instructor yourself. Here, dude" He said while passing the phone. "So, what" The Instructor asked. "Well, I don't wanna do the entrance exam anymore.." I said. "WHAT, AS A SOLDIER YOU SHOULD NEVER GIVE UP" He shouted through the phone. Ow. "Well, I didn't pass the exam so I'm not a soldier" I responded. "Well.. true.." He said, "Fine." He said. I ended the call and I celebrated: 

(Loud Warning)

Creator: Quantum Dank 104k Subs


I suddenly got hit in the head. Ow. "SHUT THE FUCK UP" Shinazugawa shouted Kanae and Shinobu behind him. "Sorry" I mumbled. "NOW GET THE 3 OF US SOME GODDAMN PANCAKES BEFORE I KICH YOUR FUCKING ASS TO THE GODDAMN TRAINING CAMP" Shinazugawa threatened. Before I knew it, the pancakes I made was already at the table. I swear if it tastes bad then Shinazugawa will fucking kill me. I was literally at his mercy. "Well.. It definitely was fast.. but.. it tastes trash, so.." He got his fork and almost stabbed it in my eye. "Sanemi-kun, do that and I'll snap your dick in half" Kanae said while smiling. He immediately sat down and finished his food. Jeez, Kanae is scary.. "Also, Tanjiro, the food isn't bad" Shinobu said. "Thanks.." I said doubtingly. "Well, go show us you can beat cave game, I'll pay you ¥100, this is a bet by the way" Shinazugawa said as he placed his dishes in the dishwasher. Wait, Dishwasher? Who the hell uses a dishwasher? I picked up a controller and started to play cave game ¥100 on the line, I'm goddamn broke I need it. Wait, does the army give us a good pay? Well, I'm just gonna beat the game I guess. I beat the game for the 3rd time in like.. 21 minutes. "Well, where's the ¥100?" I asked Sanemi. He groaned and he gave me the money. Hehe. I placed the money inside my pocket, now I have ¥300. "Well, so.. want a  tutorial on how to beat cave game?" I asked. Everyone put their hand up, except Zenitsu, oh and Nezuko had her hand up too. Wait, she's awake? "Good morning Nezuko" I said. "Morning, Oni-chan" She said, "Ne-" "Don't even try Zenitsu" I warned. He stopped immediately.  I decided to let Zenitsu tell everyone how to beat the game while I went to the bathroom. "Tanjiro" Kanao asked. "Oh hey, aren't you suppose to be with everyone else?" I asked. "Well, I wanted to be with you" She responded. "Well, alright" I said. I reached under her skirt. "Can I now?" I asked. She nodded. I closed the door and slipped my hand under her panties too. I rubbed her pussy and kissed her neck. "Mh" She moaned. I'm glad she likes it, I thought I was doing it wrong. 

Giyuu's Pov

After I received my phone from the instructor, I got back to what I was doing: Playing. Muichiro was staring into oblivion and Rengoku was smiling at his phone, what is he smiling at? Well anyways Gyomei is praying, as usual. And Obanai is.. probably looking at pictures of his girlfriend. Tengen is.. well.. probably doing some 'flamboyant'.  I'm playing uhh..  what's it called again? Oh Yellow Bird. So basically yo- "ATTENION" The instructor said. We all gathered in a line infront of the Instructor. "So, since you all came back, you can all spar" he explained. "Who we sparin' with?" "Muichiro VS Tengen, Obanai VS Rengoku, and Giyuu vs Gyomei" He said. We all got wooden swords and started sparing. Usually, he would do tournaments, with whichever winner from Mui VS Ten and Ren VS Oba, he would verse them and they would verse the winner of Giy VS Gyo. So, yeah. I won against Gyomei this round and Tengen won against Muichrio. Rengoku also won against Obanai, so it's Tengen VS Rengoku, then the winner would spar with me. Rengoku won this round so it was me VS him. We dashed towards eachother. Our swords clashing with every dash. We both were quick, but it's about speed and reaction time. I'm pretty sure we're both equal on strength. Gyomei was the strongest, but he just went easy on me since he always gave everyone he sparred with a chance. I decided to stop dashing and just start blocking instead, after all, my blocking isn't the best. I stood my ground and held my wooden sword on my right waist. He strikes. He dashes towards me and I slashed my sword, as if I unsheathed a katana. I blocponked his attack. I 'resheathed' my sword in a defensive position. We kept this going for a few more minutes until I decided to attack. He dashed for me, but I hit his hip before he could hit me. I won. "GGs my man" Rengoku said. "Lucky bastard" Obanai whispered. "Nice" Muichiro blankly said. "Amazing!" Gyomei congratulated.  "Thanks" I said blankly. "Nice, Giyuu. Now you get sweets." He announced. Sweets? All mine hehe. He gave me the sweets and I gobbled them on the spot. Fucking salmon flavored sweets is the best. 

Author's Note

Hey, Hi, Wassup, Yo, Hello. I have nothing to say soo.. Bye, Goodbye, Cya, Stay safe and Thursday, 16th October will be here soon.

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