Friday, 17th October

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Giyuu's Pov

The Instructor told us to train our asses off today, so.. Is something gonna happen? I decided to ask him. "Hey, Instructor, is there something you're not telling us?" I asked. It caught everyone's attention. "Hmm.. Well.. you're going to war tomorrow.." He said. We were shocked. Well.. except Muichiro, he's probably thinking about random stuff.

Muichiro's Pov

Why are there different ranks? How do we know we're strong? What does the Instructor mean my 'work our asses off'? Why do we have to go to war? 

Giyuu's Pov

Anyways, we were shocked. "Understood" We all said in-unison, except Muichiro. We decided to not only work our asses off, but to work our dick off aswell. We all used something called breathing styles, It boosts your strength and speed. Only we know how to use these breathing styles, and we all used different ones too. Muichiro use 'Mist Breathing', Tengen uses 'Sound Breathing', Obanai uses 'Serpent Breathing', Rengoku uses 'Flame Breathing', Sanemi uses 'Wind Breathing', I use 'Water Breathing' and Gyomei uses 'Stone Breathing'. We are considered the strongest of the entire army, they call us pillars. Pillars because we hold the entire army together. Our Mega instructor is Oyataka, who we barely see. We all heard that he's amazing and super nice. But with that outta the way, we gotta train. We sparred using our specific breathing styles and we all got significantly stronger. The instructor told us to meet up with our loved ones since we may not see them again. We all drove to our homes and said our goodbyes to everyone. I went over to Kocho's house, I knocked on her door and she opened up. I immediately heard moans and I knew who it was. Damn Sanemi and Kanae at it again, when will they just not do it? "Hey, Koc-" She hugged me. "Please come back safely" She said as she teared up. Sorry, I can't make any promises. "it's ok, Kocho.." I said depressingly. She kept crying and I had to comfort her on her couch. "My my, look who's here, never knew I could call you guys 'GiyuuShino'!" Kanae teased. "Shut up Kanae, not now" I said. "What was that, punk?" Sanemi said behind her. "Try me" I said. He gave me a barrage of punches while I was comforting Kocho. I didn't really care about Shinazugawa, I only care about Kocho right now. I patted her back and patted her head. I smiled while I was getting beaten up. "Well, we gotta go now" I said to Kocho. "Wait.. Please.. Please come back to me" Kocho said tearfully. I nodded. Sorry but I can't make any promises. I knocked Sanemi out because he was actually getting annoying. "Kanae, I'll make sure Sanemi comes back. Promise" I said. She nodded. I looked over to Kocho. "Kocho, I'll be back" I said. She tearfully nodded. I walked out the door. "Sorry, Kocho.. I don't plan on coming back.." 

Muichiro's Pov

Who are we battling? What do people think of me? Why can't Sanemi and Kanae shut up for once? What's  Giyuu and Kocho doing? Should I visit my brother's grave?

I was driving to the cemetery where my brother was buried. When I arrived, I knelled. "Hey bro, how are you? Still miss you but hope your doing fine. Thanks for looking after me till you're death" I said. I smiled at his grave. 

Yuuichiro Tokito

I left him some flowers and I went back to my car. I check the mirror and my eyes widened. "Still as clueless as ever, Muichiro". I looked back and saw noone there.. I saw.. I could've sworn I saw Yuuichiro.. I smiled. "Yeah, still am Bro" I said while crying.

Rengoku's Pov

I drove my car to my dad's house. I arrived and knocked on the door. To my surprise, Senjuro opened it, not my dad. "Hey Senjuro, how are ya?" I asked. "I'm fine, what about you?" He said happily. "I'm fine, I'm gonna go talk to dad now" I explained as I entered and closed the door. I walked over to dad's room. "Hey dad" I said. He didn't answer. "Dad?" I asked as I opened the door. Thankfully he's alright. "Hey, Rengoku" He said in a dead-pan voice. "How are you dad?" I asked. He didn't respond. "Is you're wound okay?" I asked. "You know, Rengoku, I got my hand amputated because of war, it's not just a wound, it's a fatal wound" He said. "I just don't want my son to die.." He said as he teared up and turned to me. I hugged him. "It's alright dad, I won't die" I said as I was comforting him. We hugged for a good minute before he broke it. "I always told you that you were too weak to join the army, now look at you, strong. Use this strength to protect everyone, Rengoku" He explained. I nodded and I exited his room. "Rengoku.. Do you think I'll be strong like you?" I stopped and looked at Senjuro. "Listen" I said as I knelt to his level. "You're very strong, Senjuro. I know you'll use this strength to protect everyone. Believe in yourself. I have a fiery passion that never dies and so should you!" I encouraged. He started to cry. We hugged eachother. I teared up too. "Come back, Rengoku" He tearfully said. I nodded. I broke the hug and headed to the car. Time to visit mom. I drove to mom's grave and I knelt. "Hey Mom, How are you? I hope you're doing fine. I'm going to war today. Please wish me luck Mom. I love and miss you Mom" I said as I placed flowers on her grave. "I'll be going now" I said as I exited the cemetery. When I got to my car, I saw someone in it. It wasn't a stranger however, It looked familiar. I quickened my pace and I reached the window.. "Mom?!" I asked. She looked at me and smiled. "I'll keep you safe my boy, like how you kept everyone safe" I opened the door and she disappeared. "Mom.." I smiled. "Thank's Mom" I said tearfully.

Author's Note 

Hey, Hi, Yo, Wassup, Hello. I decided not to do my speech yet, after all I have the weekend. I've stayed in my room for a long time now, trying to complete this chapter but it's fine. I'm gonna leave my cave once this is published. So uhh.. I'll do Gyomei and Obanai tomorrow/next chapter. I'll also go into detail of uhh -cough- ObaMitsu stuff -cough-.  So uhh.. nothing else. Bye, Goodbye, Cya, Stay safe and Saturday, 18th October will be here tomorrow.

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