Twenty: Mayhem

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White House: Mayhem. Far greater difficulty. Far greater loot.

*Jake POV*

And that's the story of how I met your mother.


As I stared at the two injured police officers, the pool of blood and Drew with a face of something resembling regret.

I was so shocked, so scared that I didn't move for what seemed like hours until Zander pulled me.


So I ran, like a dumbass.

Hailey, Zander and me all ran toward Wilson Station, hoping to god that there would be a bus or a subway or something to get us the fuck out of here.

There were no buses, so we went underground.

All around us, people were scrambling, screaming about gunshots outside. Mothers and Fathers were shielding their kids with no care for their own safety. Older teens and rational adults, as well as guards, were trying to calm the crowd down.

We ran through the panicked pedestrians, tapped our cards and beelined to the platform.

There was a fucking train, northbound too. Nobody goes north.

We all ran onto the subway, and as the train pulled out, we heard gunshots and more screaming. I just sat down on a seat, praying to god that Drew didn't hurt anyone else. 

"Alright folks, this train will stop at Highway 407 as VMC is currently stalled due to the situation at Wilson. The subway will be shut down from VMC to Yorkdale and we will not stop at Sheppard West or Downsview park. Please prepare to get off at Highway 407 or Pioneer Village if necessary. Thank you for your understanding." Announced the conductor.

We all sat there in complete shock.

The adrenaline got us here, but now what? I'm in shock now. I can't move. I'm scared. The only thing keeping me sane is Hailey, who I was hanging onto for dear life.

"It's gonna be okay, Jake. We're here." She reassured me.

Zander seemed to still have that adrenaline coursing through him, either that or his lifeguard training kicked in.

I heard him mutter something about a straw and treating for shock to himself. I have no clue what he meant.

"Uhh, can I take your pulses?" Zander asked.

Even though my heart one beating a mile a minute, I nodded my head.

Zander took mine and Hailey's pulse and muttered more to himself.

"Are you two too hot or too cold? Do you need a blanket?" He continued.

We both nodded our heads no.

By the time Zander had finished his first aid, we'd arrived at our stop.

"Okay folks, we are arriving at Pioneer Village. This will be our final stop as Highway 407 is now stalled. Thank you for your patience, the train will sit until the issue is resolved." The conductor announced, his voice sounding like a siren to me.

"Let's go guys..." Zander said quietly.

At this point, we were basically out of the city, but Zander said we were getting off here anyway. Something about the buses to Vaughan and downtown? I don't know, I didn't listen.

Zander walked Hailey and me out. I was still thinking about Drew, and how insane he looked when he shot that cop in the vest. He looked like a psychopath, like the Drew that took me in all those years ago had been replaced by a ruthless killer who would rather hurt than kill. It's the only possible explanation why he didn't kill those cops.

We made it up to the bus platform and hopped on the bus to Vaughan Mills to try and have a 'fun day at the mall' and wait out the subway closure.

I think it's safe to say we did not have a fun day at the mall.

We went to the food court, got subway sandwiches, and basked in the shared trauma of what the fuck just happened. Even Zander seemed to realize what we'd just witnessed...

I don't know how we'll recover from this...

One month later

I still haven't recovered from it. I just can't forget the look on Drew's face, it made me want to curl up into a ball and die.

I've been working through it and I've been able to focus on finishing the song we will be performing at the competition with Hailey, but I haven't been able to put my heart in it. I've been way too worried about Drew.

Drew is still on the run and there are few leads to his whereabouts. His parents said nothing, Henry and Liam swore to kill the guy and Zoey received a death threat from him a few days ago.

The cops think he's coming back to town to kill Zoey, but I don't think Drew is that stupid.

I opened the door to my house, walked into my room and plopped myself onto my bed. It's around 12 AM now, I think I spent too long celebrating downtown with the club since we finally finished writing our competition piece and our first album. I mean, an album is a cause to celebrate I guess.

I tried not to think dark thoughts as my eyelids grew heavier and I slowly drifted off to sleep.

*Hailey POV*

The next morning.

Saturday. Arguably the best day to ever be created in the history of human existence. There's another day off after it and you can be as much of an insomniac as you want before it. 

How perfect.

I forced the club to meet up at the park so we could discuss what the hell we were going to do for the performance. We need to work this out now so we have a plan.

I also would do literally anything to keep my mind off that day, and I find that productivity is the best way to do that! That and other things...

The entire club was tired and moaned and complained so I decided to let them off easy for today and instead decided to force Jake to spend some time with me.

Jake actually agreed to meet me at the park at 10:30 AM so he was either drunk, not hungover or hopped up on caffeine. 

Jake actually got there before me and waved at me,

"Hey, Hailey! I was actually downtown and got you that Chinese you liked!"

God, how did I get such a good boyfriend?

I hastily walked over and swiped the Chinese food from his hand. I ate it at the speed of light and felt so energetic

Jake just looked at me, his face saying everything.

I grabbed his peach head and kissed him.

"I love you too..."


Finir =  Verb meaning 'to finish', learn some common french words on Duoling!

WC: 1050

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