Part 15 getting to know the competition

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Justin hasn't changed. At ALL. He might even be a little hotter than he was before. But I don't know if his personality has changed. Sometimes killing someone you have loved can do that to you.

Carl keeps glaring at him like he's competition. Haha competition? For what?! Oh wait. For me.

I want to take Carl into the other room and explain to him that he has no competition here. But how can I do that? What if he doesn't think of him as competition? I don't want him to think I'm full of myself. Guys are confusing.

Rick isn't in well enough shape to try and figure out Justin so Daryl takes that over.

Lets just say Justin looked terrified after Daryl was done. I showed him to his cell that he would be staying in and got him some extra clothes.

"Hey you look familiar.." Justin says as I set his new clothes down on the bed. "Holy shit Joey is that you?" he says with a sort of brightness in his eyes.

"Um yeah?" I guess that came out as a question because I didn't think that he knew I existed.

"Small fucking world." he said laughing. He's so hot. He's really tan and has muscular hands, which for some reason I find kind of hot.

I laugh back and go to leave the cell but he grabs my hand and says, "Ya know back at school you were one of the kind of shy girls. Now you seem so in control of what happens."

I laugh while jerking my hand away from his, which was kind of hard to do because damn. "Yeah I guess this place will do that to you." I reply looking into his bright blue eyes.

"Well goodnight." He says winking at me.

"Uhm... Goodnight?" Again a fucking question? Good job self.

I leave the cell and to my right I see Carl.

"Seriously?" I ask him.

"What?" He replies.

I make a hand gesture to the cell "Eavesdrop much?" I somewhat laugh out.

"I wasn't eavesdropping!" he says defensively. "Do you even like that guy?"

I cross my arms and say in a divaish voice "Wouldn't you like to know?"

He follows me to my cell to say goodnight. I really wish I could kiss him goodnight but obviously that cant happen.

~the next morning~

I am not a morning person. Just. No.

Carl comes in to wake my up and I may or may not have accidentally punched him in the gut.

"OMG DUDE I AM SO SORRY!!" I yell. Dude? Really? Good job self.

He looks up at me and smirks "Nah nah its fine. Nice punch though." he laughs.

I stand up and shove him out of my room so I can change my pants. I quickly jerk off my shorts and put on my work jeans. We have wall duty today. Thats what we call going on the fence and killing walkers from there.

I walk out and Carl is standing by the exit to the fence. I guess we have fence duty together.

Justin walks right in front of me. "You have fence duty?" I ask him.

"Uh yeah I guess Daryl said I have to earn my way into the group so I guess this is the way."

"Well then," I try to sound enthusiastic but its kind of hard with Carl standing right over there. "Lets get going!"

~getting back from fence duty~

That totally wasn't one of the most awkward situations ever.

Carl and Justin tried to like I don't even know what you would call it but they would try to make themselves sound "cooler" than one another. Like Carl would say "I jumped off of a 20 ft bridge into a lake one time." Justin would reply "well one time I jumped off of a 50 ft bridge." Seriously guys? you think anyone believes whatever the hell you're saying?

So yeah that is how Carl got to meet the so called "competition"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2015 ⏰

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