Part 7 farm

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All I can hear is Rick yelling. We run over to a passed out Carl. I pull out my gun on the man who shot him.

"What the hell!" i scream at the man.

"The boy, I'm so sorry I was shooting at the deer..." his voice trailed off.

"Where is your camp?!" I scream.

"Follow me," this guy had to have been over 300 lbs. Him running was a sight to see. Rick has Carl in his arms, sobbing he nods at me to come with.

"Sorry. So sorry" this man was crazy.

"We will discuss this later!" I yell at him between breaths.

We come across a nice farmhouse. A blonde girl bolts out of the door and embraces the man.

"Otis. Are you ok?" the woman says in a deep southern voice.

"The boy. The boy...." Otis replies to her with an outreached finger towards Carl. The woman gasps.

"Maggie!! Beth!! Get daddy and his things!" the woman yells as we bolt into the door. Rick by bow is a wreck he's just staring at Carl with a worried look in his eyes.

A man with a white beard comes in. He yells at what i assume are his daughters to get him some medical supplies. But there isn't enough here for him. He look at Otis. Otis nods as if reading his mind.

"What am I missing here?" I ask harshly.

The man looks at me and replies "theres a school a couple miles away. Otis can go but he will need someone to go with him."

Shane, who i forgot was even here nods and says "I'll go with him."

I look at him with a surprised look. Whoa. You actually care about someone other than yourself. I wanted to say that so bad but there were more important things to worry about. Carl.

While Shane and Otis get ready to go Rick and I realize that Lori had no idea what has just happened to Carl. Maggie overhears us.

"I can go find her. Out by the highway right?" her southern accent was kind of awesome.

"You sure?" Rick and I say at the same time. "You got a car?" Rick asks

"No, but we got horses i'll go find her." Maggie says in a stern yet sweet voice.

I leave the room so Rick can have some alone time with Carl. Ya know this place is nice. I haven't been on a farm before. Its so peaceful it kind of makes you forget about the walkers. I hope these kind people will let us stay a while. Maybe we have found our home for a while.

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