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   No two students are ever the same.

   However, there was only one whose bag occupied the teacher's chair. Her sides were illuminated in a mesmerizing marmalade orange as the sun disappeared behind horizons, and her steely eyes moved. She found a charger. After which she freely connects it to an electric board nearby, zips the bag open, swiftly takes out her phone and finally, she puts it on recharge by the table where she's been planning to  experiment. The lab coat — extra small — sticks to her frame, a bead of sweat dropping and disappearing behind Ellie's collar. Her knees feel weak but its her so she pushes herself like a lightweight. It's almost evening, she notes.

   Guilt. What a funny emotion. A variation of karma, if you will.

   There's not much you can do about it — other than feeling vicious when you see it happen.

   Children, rich children — dumping cakes and powder sugar over the guy, the one Eleanor dealt with this morning. A punishment? "Ellie stop," she mutters.

   Westerly and a Kai might be the ones who don't experience guilt.

   Crushing others is just their second nature, as if.

   Wes broke, with his slightly muscular body figure, crooked grinning, 6'2 height and finely timbered voice, quite a lot hearts - both off and on the throne.

   Kai did drugs.

   What helped them sleep at night?

   Its dark out by seven-thirty. Mechanically, Ellie is putting back the apparatus into their respective spots in cupboards, sighing. She unties her hair, leaves. Locks the room before she's on her way to buy a soda can. No drink can stop her mind racing.

   Because in science class, a lot happened.

   Wish Ellie could say she hadn't noticed and the way she carries herself gives off the impression that she doesn't, not much anyway; other than the cool tempered Kaisei Seon hooked on her, the pair of siblings loyal by blood, followers. But no, she saw.

   "Open up to page 34, kids. The chapter name is. . ."


    Ellie has covered it in tuition already.

   Soon, she's highlighting everything she finds important (which is 88% part of the text) and also, while she's at it, recording the lecture. Revisions are important too. And that's when she hears a bottle dropping. The liquid content doesn't spill, even though the noise has already interrupted the teacher's flow, and yet the owner, sitting by the window... Doesn't give a fuck. "Who's bottle is that!" The teacher is shouting.

   Ellie caps her highlighters without looking, thinking whoever it is is a bonehead. Truly as well as fascinatingly — this person has earplugs  ridiculous orange sweater and plain dark brown skirt they're sat, face changing as they are engrossed in watching — streaming something at the time of lecture. "Teacher's gonna have a fit, " comments Ellie's brother and other murmuring follow, Ellie would say this for certain : Westerly Penn could smell trouble like instinct. "Hey you! You! What's your name!"

   To everyone's amazement, the female student paused her under desk video and lifted head —"Beverly Ange, I'm new."

   Ellie too felt intrigued by her... Confidence.

   The teacher put her both hands on hip, annoyed. "All righty, Ms Ange, stand up. What's the three components in the formula for Ohm's law?"

   Without blinking, the now erect girl delivered : "resistance, voltage and..." - chewing the end of pencil thoughtfully - "current. Correct?" Her voice purred.

   Even Wes could feel a small smile escaping his lips.

   When no one else dared to break the silence, he did so himself, he coughed. "You may sit then." No confiscation. No scolding. The woman sits through the rest of the hour in peace like any other student. How's that possible?

    Because she's wealthy? A golden bangle adores her delicate cream wrist, motionless. Ellie could not take  eyes off this one.

   "Meet my girlfriend, y'all, Imogen Serum!"

    Westerly's voice explodes in the lobby. Beside him is lady friend. "Hello Imogen," acknowledged Ellie with a nod, Kai waved too. Nora was the one most excited. "Aren't you like the Instagram influencer Imogen underscore Serum!!" As soon as they're retired to the royalty table, Normani glued Imogen. "You're super good looking too!"

   You could almost see Nora's tail wagging at Imogen's frankness. "Well Normani, I have never been flattered more than I'm at this moment. Cause guess what?"

   "Uwah! What?"

    "I'm a fan of royalty too, particularly you!"

     But Nora's no more a royalty, Ellie wished she could clear that misunderstanding. Yet, one look at Nora's halo and hands clutching and Eleanor felt Nora deserved this moment. "Fetch a chair," she whispered to Kai, who in turn passed it to one of their "fans".
"How'd you two meet?" Kai began, nonchalantly though.

    Croutons and soup. Ellie made a face unnoticeable to anyone. Westerly is happy to inform : "I picked her at a party!"

   "Of course you did," are Ellie's and Kai's thoughts.

   The girl is immaculate. Wes didn't have to show her how to eat like a royalty — her level of table manners was at par. She conversed a little, cleaned the soup remains with a hankie but not too many — several times and when she was gone with an excuse me, Wes still looked smug as ever. "She's good with everything, everyone. Can you believe my luck?"

   Kai muttered softly — "get off your cloud nine, its making me sick." Beside him Nora almost snapped. "Oh no, did you see her spooning some other boy? Cuz I'm gonna beat shit ou—"

   Kai shook head.


    "Let's say I didn't."

    Wes pressed, pouted. "Then what is it? I know she's..." Not his type, but he trailed off. Smart.

   Ellie joint. "Can I say something?"

    "About her attire?"

    "Yes, isn't it boyish."

    Wes ran a hand through hair waves when after inhaling, he spoke about it. "All women are beautiful. Tomboys too, in my eyes they are exceptional... She's working on it?"

    Kai hummed.


   Strolling through botanical gardens of west — Ellie focused on the image, a young girl probably sixteen, jacket over a white sundress, tights underneath showing, blue lens too fake too be true. What an interesting girl. As her bare feet grazed the mud and dew and grass blades... The wind blew her straight hair to opposite direction, she started to run. Sprint. Upon inspection — later she found the science newbie was called Beverly Ange was last seen with Venice Dalton, little dumb bitch.

    The three spin like atoms, in Ellie's head, swimmingly as her head falls with a thud on pillow case. Resistance, current, voltage..
Butterfly effect.





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