Chapter Five

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There was an array of tumultuous applause that thundered through the tree's, causing nesting birds to burst into flight, screeching. The watching crowd roared with joy as Arius and Aesira grinned from ear to ear, even Altan came up; onto the platform to join in the cheering. It seemed to go on for hours, but soon enough, the applause died down, as the crowd thinned and Alethea was left alone with Arius, Altan and Aesira. Aesira and Altan looked suddenly sheepish, and apparently had the same train of thought because Aesira said "Alethea...I don't think we've been properly introduced, but I'm Aesira Villarreal."

She was right about one thing, they weren't properly introduced considering the fact that the 'introduction' consisted mostly of daggers and death threats. Alethea smiled and waved it off, as she shook Aesira's hand. "And I'm Altan Demerci," said the boy kindly. Arius then smiled and shook Alethea's hand vigorously. "Well done my dear" he said smiling "We are thrilled to welcome you to camp New Moon." Alethea smiled happily as Arius said "If I'm correct, you are completely new to the concept of wyverns, so, I think you'll be comfortable enough if I appoint Aesira and Altan to help you around...?"

"Of course...Sir...?" she said uncertainly. Arius chuckled. "Please." he said "Call me Arius. Oh! Of course! Silly me! I don't think I've introduced myself properly - I am Arius Finley. The activities director and head of this camp." "In that case" Alethea nodded "thank you Arius, for letting Altan and Aesira help me get used to the ways of camp." "Of course," Arius smiled. Now I'll let you get settled in." he said and then looked towards Altan "Altan, you and Aesira show Alethea to her cabin and show her the way around camp. Remember the regular formalities and you'll know what to do. Also tell her about the...circumstances"

"Yes Arius" Aesira and Altan said, their faces somber. Circumstances? She wondered What circumstances? But she was jostled out of her thoughts by Aesira dragging her by the arm and pulling her into the trees "C'mon Alethea, Altan! Let's go!" Altan laughed and ran ahead of Aesira and shouted "Race ya!" Aesira grinned at Althea. Alethea laughed as she wondered if life could get any better.

After minutes of running through the trees, Alethea had a sudden thought. "Hang on. Aesira, Altan. Exactly where are we going?" They both skidded to a stop. "To camp of course!" Altan said. "Don't worry. You'll see" he replied to Alethea's stunned face. They slowed into a walk and Altan fell into step beside Alethea, "Right now we're going to the cabins'' Aesira said "Not sure if you know, but there are 13 grou-"

"I know" she interrupted "The 13 groups are Azure, Tora, Ember, Akeldama, Venteuse, Solaire, Typhoon, Raiden, Foudre, Lune, Astre, Spyro and Aurora" she ended, out of breath. The other two looked impressed. "Wow," Altan said, "Impressive. Well since you know that, let me tell you - each cabin has a cabin leader, for example Aesira is the leader for Azure, representing water, and I am the leader for Ember, which is fire" he concluded. ''Cool!" Alethea exclaimed "Also, um...If you don't mind me asking, who's the leader for Aurora? That's what my group is called, right?"

They suddenly stopped as looks of surprise blossomed over their features. "Umm..." Altan trailed off. "Well, you see Alethea'' Aesira began uncomfortably "A really long time ago, the Tarragons - those are basically like the rulers of Illora - which is basically the home of the wyverns - made a pact between themselves, that there would never ever be another Aurorian, Rygorian or Garnetian - Aurora is your group and those Tarragons are called the big three-'' Aesira paused, interrupted by Altan, "Because nobody can live without ice, rainbows and crystals right?" he joked sarcastically and a sound of thunder followed overhead. Even Alethea knew that thunder seemed to be a message of irritation from the Tarragons. Aesira swatted Altan on the arm and Altan continued: Anyway, the point is that they decided there would be no children of the big three because of a prophecy that was foretold by the Oracle of Delphi. The exact words are lost, but the basic concept is that by the age of 16, the next child of the big three - those are Khione, Iris and Amethyst - would change the world. And not necessarily in a good way..."

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