Chapter Eleven

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Alethea's slumber was short, and full of problems. Nightmare problems that is. The moment her head hit the pillow, she was sent spinning into a vortex of darkness - which was exactly what it was. She extended her hands blindly, to orient herself, though she felt a solid rock wall in front of her. She turned again and felt another wall towards her left. She was encased in rock. She immediately felt claustrophobic. An instinct in the pit of her stomach told her to panic. Alethea remembered what Aesira had told her while she was training. 'In battle, however afraid you are, do not panic. That's what your opponent wants. Do not yield. Master your fear, before it masters you.' Alethea had just calmed down, when she heard an amused chuckle, just outside her stone prison.

Alethea froze. "Who are you?" she asked, and hoped her voice belied no fear. The high, clear voice chuckled again. Don't you recognize me? Far from scaring her, this voice only set her nerves alight. I suppose it has been a while, but you shouldn't act so surprised. You of all people should know. Alethea fumed silently. Know? Know what? Anyway it said, before Alethea could think up a suitable retort. However amusing you may be, I have not come to question your memory. We have urgent matters to discuss. Regarding this quest of yours. A modicum of curiosity suppressed her anger.

"Go on." Alethea said. Unless my information is faulty, your task is to return the staff of Nephthys - Thanatifóros before- "So that's what it's called, is it?" Alethea interrupted "Thanatifóros?" Yes. Thanatifóros. Deathbringer. His - Alethea assumed the person was male - voice was pleasant. As though they were discussing the matter over drinks. "Deathbringer," she muttered. "A bit on the nose if you ask me." Like all magical objects. Thanatifóros, is one of the most dangerous objects in Illora, which you and your little band of misfits must return by the next full moon. Alethea's stomach gave a funny jolt. The next full moon? She and her fellow wyverns had less than thirty days to recover the staff.

"So." she said slightly impatiently, "You said you had information on my quest. I was under the impression that you were here to help me." Yes, yes he said, and his tone gave Alethea the distinct impression that he was enjoying this discussion. Anyway, before we get to the information, I was looking to ask you a question. Why did the Tarragons give you the great prophecy? Alethea was momentarily taken aback. "How did you know?" she asked. He let out another chuckle. I know, young wyvern, because I was there. "But I didn't see you in the throne room." she demanded "How could you have heard what Selene told us?" I know, he repeated, because I was there. I am everywhere, around every corner. Lurking where you least expect it. "That sounds ominous." Alethea observed. Well he said, maybe I am - as you so eloquently put it - ominous. "Ha." she spat.

Back to my first question he said why did Selene assign you the great prophecy, instead of sending you to receive a new one? "What?" She asked, "What do you mean by 'new prophecy' ?" You mean you don't know? He asked, and for the first time, sounding surprised. Great heavens, I forgot how little you knew. "I've been here three days!" she snapped "and then got sent on some stupid quest a-" didn't you voulenteer for the ah - 'stupid quest'? "I-you-" she sputtered "I'm asking the questions here!" Indeed he said, amused again. Well, you ought to know that when a wyvern agrees to a quest, he or she is sent to the Oracle to receive a prophecy. Which you and your friends did. However, in normal circumstances, a wyvern would ask for a prophecy for their quest and the Oracle would give it to them. In your case, he continued, Selene made it quite clear that she would like you to receive the great prophecy as your guide. Why is that?

"What do you think?" Alethea shot back. I? I believe Selene felt that your group was - of a better word - special, and that it was the first quest in such a long time, it would be prudent to assign one of the most ancient prophecies of all time. Oh no. he added suddenly, as though reading Alethea's mind. Not the prophecy your dear friend Altan mentioned. The prophecy you received is less ancient than the previous one, however, it is quite confusing, and was spoken by the Oracle under certain - unusual - circumstances...Thus, I believe Selene was tempted to give you this particular prophecy. It took Alethea a few moments to process all this information. "I'm not feeling so special." she grumbled finally, as he chuckled again. " And, if you're so smart, then why did you ask me?" she asked. He sounded amused. I merely sought to hear your views on the matter. "You talk like you know me." Alethea said, more curious than angry now. I've told you already, he said, sounding slightly impatient for the first time. You know me. Though you do not seem to remember...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2022 ⏰

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