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I sit here now,
my mind consumed
with a thousand thoughts of you,
forever engraved into my memories.

I sit here now,
my stomach turning in anticipation
as the seconds count down the hour
until I can finally be enveloped in your arms.

The same arms that held me
for so many uncounted hours
as depression consumed me
and your sweet words soothed me.

Until I can fill your ears with endless talk of my day
as you rub gentle circles against my skin.

Until you take my mouth against yours
so I can know
just how much you've missed me.

Until I can feel
your quilt,
your regret,
and all your shame
exposed to me like an open book.

Until I bask in the affection
that I so desperately longed for from you.

Accepting with open arms,
your love for me
that lays hidden behind unspoken words.

So I sit here now,
with your smile
edged into the corners of my mind
as the memories of your gentle kisses haunt me.

And so I sit here now,
counting down the seconds
until I can take you in my arms
once again.


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