Chapter Two

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As Grandpa Erwin took the boys fishing, Clara Lieberman, their mom, had rented an off-road vehicle to search for Vicky Buckley. Her search area was a four-square-mile area in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, which was easier said than done because only one small paved bike path ran through the area. Knowing the car would be useless in that area, she got out, armed with one of Edwin's fifteen guns. After searching for a while, she was just about to call and report back when she ran into none other than Pierce Buckley.

"Pierce!" yelled Clara, "What are you doing here?!"

Pierce replied, "I live here. My dad's the park ranger for this section of the park. My mom is separated; she lives in Nashville. But they're still legally married."

Clara said, "Pierce, it's too dangerous for you to be out here right now."

Pierce said, "Vicky's not gonna kill her nine year old younger cousin. If anything, I can talk to her more than anyone."

Clara said, "I guess that's true. Tell you what? Why don't I take you to the police chief, and if Vicky has barricaded herself somewhere, he can get you in touch with Vicky, and you can try to reason her out of hiding."

"Okay," said Pierce.

Clara said, "Hop in. Sit in the booster seat in the back."

"Okay," said Pierce.

Clara took a few more laps up her section of the path, then drove about three miles back to where the police chief was stationed.

The police chief asked, "You brought your son along?"

Clara said, "No. This is Pierce Buckley, both the son of the park ranger and cousin of Vicky Buckley."

The police chief asked Pierce, "Nice to meet you, Pierce. But it's not safe for you to be wandering the forest right now."

Clara said, "Pierce offered to help negotiate Vicky out of hiding, should that be necessary."

The police chief said, "Pierce, do you have any idea where Vicky might be?"

"I don't know for sure," replied Pierce, "But if she's not in the area, she might be in Nashville at my mom's. They always did like each other."

The police chief told Clara, "Clara, if it's okay with his father, I'd like you to drive Pierce to his mom's in Nashville. I'll call the Nashville P.D. and have them check his mom's house. If she's there, Pierce will be used to try and reason with her."

Pierce said, "My dad won't mind. Besides, I'm overdue to visit my mom's anyway."

The police chief said, "Okay, Pierce. Clara, drive Pierce to Nashville. Pierce, what's the address?"

Pierce replied, "108 Savely Drive."

"Thanks, Pierce," said the police chief.

"You're welcome," replied Pierce.

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