Chapter Three

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Back at Edwin's, Mike had just caught his first fish after about an hour of trying. They had planned to do catch-and-release, but that particular fish didn't survive, so Edwin took the boys inside to cook it.

"Mike," said Edwin, "Looks like you caught a trout. They're a highly prized fish 'round these parts. Sometime, I gotta take you boys up to English Mountain. They have the best hook 'em, 'cook em place this side of the Mississippi!"

"It's pretty big," said Miles.

"It is big," replied Edwin, "Enough for each of us to have a good-sized piece. I hope you like your fish fried with potato flake breading."

"Potato flake breading?" asked Matt, "Never tried it before."

Edwin said, "It's what we use down here. Tastes even better than normal breading."

"When in Tennessee..." said Matt.

Edwin said, "Okay boys, I trust you enough to go fishing on your own now. Mike, partner up with Mason. Matt, take care of Miles."

"Okay," said Mike and Matt.

Edwin said, "Anything goes wrong, or you have trouble getting the hook out of the fish, just gimme a holler. I'll fry up the fish."

Mike and Matt took Miles and Mason back out to the pond and watched them carefully as they fished. It didn't take long for Miles to catch one. Thankfully, Edwin had taught Mike how to remove the fish from the hook. He removed the hook and threw the fish back into the water.

Mike said, "Good job!" and high-fived Miles. They went back to fishing for a while, until Edwin called them in for lunch. Edwin served the boys each a piece of Mike's trout, green beans, and and sweet tea.

"It's good," said Matt. "I need to visit you more often."

"Agreed," said Mike.

After the boys were finished eating, Edwin put Mason down for a nap and got out the Monopoly board to play with Mike, Matt, and Miles.

"What's that?" asked Matt.

"Monopoly. You've never played?" said Edwin.

Mike said, "I played it once. But it was a video game."

"Kids these days," said Edwin, "Never knew a good board game or a puzzle. Always starin' into their phones and tablets."

Mike said, "We do other things. We play outside and play games together. Just different kinds of games than you did."

Edwin replied, "Y'all are damned lucky that y'all's folks don't make the TV your babysitter. Y'all'll be much better off when you grow up. By the way, if I ever hear that you downloaded Tik-Tok, I don't care how old y'all are, I'll make you get an ol' branch and spank y'all's fannies so hard you ain't gon be able to sit down for a week!"

"Dad says you should never spank with anything other than your hand," said Miles.

Edwin replied, "Look at the results of that policy! Kids today are smashin' up schools for likes on social media! They're smashin' store windows for the so-called 'rights' of a bunch of blackamoors who fought police and got shot!"

Mike said, "Not us."

Edwin said, "Because one, you're eleven, nine, and five, and two, your parents at least have the common sense to give a smack or two when necessary."

Miles said, "I've only ever really been spanked once in my life, when I was six. I probably deserved it, because I bit someone on the arm at school. Got detention, and a spanking when I got home."

Edwin said, "Good. You learned your lesson. Even knowing spanking is an option can straighten you out."

Mike said, "Most of the time, though, Mom and Dad just use time outs, early bedtimes, and extra chores. They only really spank if what we did was really bad. Like when they spanked Pierce for spilling the secret of the Omega Rings."

"Of course," said Edwin, "It's not necessary for everything. And if you do have to get spanked, parents should always forgive and forget right afterward, save for maybe a few minutes in time out to simmer down. When you guys get to be parents one day, I expect you'll do that. Anyway, let's start our Monopoly game! Do any of y'all know the slightest thing about Monopoly?"

Miles asked, "Isn't that the game where you go to jail if you collect $200?"

"Close enough," answered Edwin. Here's how you play: One of us is the banker, and the other three are businessmen who want to buy all the property in New York. To do that, you land on a spot, and purchase the deed (these cards) with game money. I'll explain the rest as we go. Each of you, pick a piece." Mike picked the car, Miles picked the hat, and Edwin picked the steamboat. Matt was the banker.

"How much money do I give you guys?" asked Matt.

"$1,500," replied Edwin. "Two 500's, Two 100's, 2 50's, Six 20's, and 5 each of 10's, 5's, and ones."

"Okay," replied Matt, who handed out exactly what Edwin told them to. After a few minutes of playing the game (and plenty of back-and-forth real estate puns), Edwin got a call from Clara.

"Hello?" said Edwin.

"This is Clara. I think I know where Vicky might be. I think she's in Nashville with Pierce's mom."

"Good. Is it safe to send the kids home?" asked Edwin.

"Maybe, but I think the kids'd feel safer with you for tonight. Also, the floor where the butler was killed is still blood-stained."

"Okay," said Edwin, "They can stay with me as long as they need to."

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